Invisible Crane
SF Debris (one of my favorite internet reviewers) is going to review Madoka Magica next week (after doing a Doctor Who serial and a Star Trek TOS episode). Now despite reviewers name SF Debris is no stranger to anime and animation in general having done reviews on the first 2 Eva Rebuild movies, 2 episodes of Ghost In The Shell Stand Alone Complex, Avatar The Last Airbender/The Legend Of Korra and My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic (he's not a brony btw)
Heres the thing, I've heard nothing but positive opinions on PMMM with just about everyone saying it's one of the greatest anime shows ever made, supposedly doing to the magical girl genre what Eva did to the mecha genre (and anime in general). I have the show on DVD but I've yet to watch it because in my experience when praise that high is put on a show I often find myself not seeing what others saw in it. In addition I guess I have to ask (without spoilers) is PMMM really the anime game changer it's made out to be?
Heres the thing, I've heard nothing but positive opinions on PMMM with just about everyone saying it's one of the greatest anime shows ever made, supposedly doing to the magical girl genre what Eva did to the mecha genre (and anime in general). I have the show on DVD but I've yet to watch it because in my experience when praise that high is put on a show I often find myself not seeing what others saw in it. In addition I guess I have to ask (without spoilers) is PMMM really the anime game changer it's made out to be?