Seven Swords


Vampire Ninja
Bought this on the cheap yesterday and for me personally it is one of the best Chinese / Hong Kong films I've seen (and one of the best epic films from any territory I've seen this decade thus far).

Anyone who likes epic period pieces (particulary anyone who enjoyed the 2002 South Korean film The Warrior) and involves swords shouldn't (shouldn't being the keyword) be disappointed with this Tsai Hark directed effort.

Sorry, I'm still recovering from the excitment. :D
I've been looking at getting this recently, so will have to investigate my local blockbusters and see if they have a copy.

Am on nights this weekend so am looking for a few good movies to rent. Thanks to you Hovis I am definately renting Warrior King and now Seven Swords, I think I will have a martial arts theme night and rent something like Hero or go for a classic action movie like Police Story
McIcy said:
...I am definately renting Warrior King and now Seven Swords, I think I will have a martial arts theme night and rent something like Hero or go for a classic action movie like Police Story...

For me personally that's what I call a classic list! :D

Numta said:
Bought it the on the release day, loved it still love it, Celestial blade being the best ^^ in short brilliant film

Do you know if a sequel has been confirmed or is (potentially) in the pipeline? It does end with the story unresolved and seems very open for a sequel?

I hope there's a sequel. :)
Ah one of my fav martical arts films. Along with fearless and house of flying daggers and crouching tiger. As well as most of jakie chan's older films and bruce lee of course.
Yea Hovis, I did think the same as you actually but as of yet i haven't heard about a sequel, although i do remember reading something about the books that the movie was based on having a few volumes so, keep your fingers crossed
Got this as a present for my birthday and I loved it! Off topic a bit- watched Fearless this week and thought it was absolutely brilliant. The is definately going to be a sequel to Seven Swords:

Hark says that it was just the first in a very complex story- that follows the warriors travelling to Beijing and to the EMPEROR!.
McIcy said:
Nope tried again tonight and no luck, oh well I am on nights over xmas so I will hopefully get a chance to see this film then

There's a good side to this you know. When you do manage to finally watch it, as far as I'm concerned you'll be experiencing one of the best epic films (from any country) this decade thus far. You're in for a treat (or at least that's the assumption! You never know, you may not like it - but I doubt that). :lol:
Hovis! said:
McIcy said:
Nope tried again tonight and no luck, oh well I am on nights over xmas so I will hopefully get a chance to see this film then

There's a good side to this you know. When you do manage to finally watch it, as far as I'm concerned you'll be experiencing one of the best epic films (from any country) this decade thus far. You're in for a treat (or at least that's the assumption! You never know, you may not like it - but I doubt that). :lol:

I hope your right Hovis, cause if it sucks this huge build up I have been experiencing will have been for nothing. Yes I am still looking forward to it, will probably rent it next week when I'm on Xmas night shift