Sega have finally been broken, Sonic is back

You forgot WiiWare as well, sir Ryo. Its due out on all three from what i remember seeing in the trailer and info.

None the less, shall be interesting to see, even if it is only episode 1 of it. May hold off for a couple of episodes to get released before i go for it though.
At first i was skeptical about its episodic nature, but having thought about what we got with sonic 3, it may actually be to it's benefit. I'll be looking forward to more details. Although i have to actually find a way to get the game, will probably be on the Wii for me since that's the one i have online currently.
I was looking at this earlier on their blog at school, and I changed page and the site was blocked. I mean, are they fast or what? Good thing I got to read anything first, and watched the trailer. As for my thoughts, first off I dislike them releasing it in parts just so they can stick it on the PSN - I honest to God would have purchased it proper. I'm not crazy about the Sonic Rivals 3D and this ties into my first part, I dislike the subtitle 'Episode 1'.