Scratch Removal Machines


I'm pretty sure that Game and Gamestation both have scratch removal machines, and I've been pondering whether to walk in with my Suikoden disc for a long time. Part of me worries about the average employee at a games store not being so bright, and the other half worries about the chance of the employee noticing the value of the disc. So, I'm basically not sure if I should risk letting someone put it through a machine.

The game runs ok on my PS2, the only issues being some minor graphical glitches during the opening and an annoying flickering green line below the top border. On my PS1, however, it either takes a lengthy amount of time to load or just crashes. In short, it's only playable because of the increased strength of the PS2 laser.

Since the game still does at least work I can never decide if its worth the risk of letting some random person get their hands on it. I'm always 50/50 when push comes to shove. What should I do? >___<
I took a disc into Gamestation about 6 month back, it was scratched to **** and it came out allright with hardly a dent on the disc. They give you a receipt as well just incase.
I used to own one of them hand-held ones. Around five or so years ago now though so I imagine technology has come along in that field. But, anyway, it was good. From what I remember, it essentially just had a spray or two, which you applied then put the disk in the thing and turn the handle.

It worked... I think it was called Disk Doctor [From a quick Google, I believe the company was called Skip Doctor].

You should look into home disc repair, if its minor, I reckon the problem can easily be rectified.
I did look into home disc reapir - it's one of those sets, together with my brain, that made the situation worse. I rubbed some substance onto the disc (from a disc repair kit, obviously) and, instead of fixing it, it just made the disc harder to read, with huge messy patches visible on the discs surface. I cried.
these devices i think cut away at the plastic on the disc so its not fixing the scratches, ie if you had a hole in your garden it wouldnt fill it in instead it would take away your grass. so this could obviously leave your disc warped and uneven from what i have seen the discs tend to be very shiny as if polished after as its fresh plastic, because of this i always try and avoid using them i hopefully never will need to
There are easier home repair ones. I've had to do it in the past sadly, but thier easy as **** to use. Look into a better home repair one.