Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei greatest show ever?


Vampire Ninja
You decide (If you say no your wrong)

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Asdrubael said:
lol I like the stalker chain one. I saw a review of this anime and it looked good. I think I'll have to watch it.

It's a 10/10 show it's parodies everything involved with life
I recommend watching now as it's on season 3 which means it's popular and deservingly so
I enjoy it, but i'd give it more of a 8/10 than anything else. Zetsuboshita can get rather repetitive for starters, but some of the other jokes work really well. That said i'm still only on season 1, so if that changes as anything goes on then there we go, i still wouldn't rate it more than 8 though.
Arbalest said:
I enjoy it, but i'd give it more of a 8/10 than anything else. Zetsuboshita can get rather repetitive for starters, but some of the other jokes work really well. That said i'm still only on season 1, so if that changes as anything goes on then there we go, i still wouldn't rate it more than 8 though.

Wut I say in the first line? HUH!!!
I'm reading the manga as it comes out in the US only. I've also been voting for it every time Funimation does a license poll so maybe it will turn up in R1 on DVD eventually. It's a fun little series and one of the few I'll collect both in anime and manga form, if it eventually comes out. I think they added a lot of extra gags to the anime.

Didn't watch the videos as if/when I eventually do see it I'd like to be startled by them for the first time ;)
