Satoshi Kon's Paprika set for US theatrical release


Ghost of Animes
Satoshi "Paranoia Agent, Perfect Blue" Kon's latest movie - Paprika (a typically mind bending science fiction thriller), is set for a March '07 North American theatrical release via Sony.

No UK release dates have been announced, but Sony tend to eventually release the majority of their theatrical anime in the UK.
Paul said:
No UK release dates have been announced, but Sony tend to eventually release the majority of their theatrical anime in the UK.

But of course without the cinama. I do look forward to the film, maybe i can convince our film festival to get it on.
november 2006 :arrow: cinemas across Italy
I'm lucky. I've seen Paprika 3 weeks ago at Venice International Film Festival 8)
I like this anime very much: far away from Tokyo Godfathers, Kon goes back to the atmosphere seen in Perfect Blue and Millennium Actress. I've not seen Paranoia Agent but, according to my friends, if you liked that series, you'll love Paprika.
Looking forward to UK cinema run. Kon's films always look great on the big screen and have possibly the widest appeal in terms of cinemagoers. Get a few thousand ordinary members of the British public seeing this at the cinema and they'll look at anime in a better light afterwards.

I can't wait to see this! :)
Metropolis, Steamboy and the Cowboy Bebop Movie had limited cinema runs, so I'm hopeful that this one will be given a shot as well! (did Tokyo Godfathers get into the cinemas?)

Anything made by Kon is worth looking into, so I'm seriously looking forward to this. :D