Samurai Girls cancelled, or delayed?!

A post from MVM on Facebook indicates...

Due to reasons unknown Samurai Girls has been removed from Manga's schedule.

If I were to guess...

Fan service sells in the UK, so this will be coming. I'd say that they're rescheduling to match up the DVD and Blu-ray release dates. Releasing Blu-ray after the DVD has a negative impact on Blu-ray sales.
Isn't that the same date announced at the Expo?
OK, they said January but didn't give an exact date, so it hasn't exactly been delayed *again*.
Shiroi Hane said:
Isn't that the same date announced at the Expo?
OK, they said January but didn't give an exact date, so it hasn't exactly been delayed *again*.
Since the Expo, Manga has had it down for 26th December 2011.

Kaze straight out said January but I guess Manga were being overoptimistic again.
Just Passing Through said:
Shiroi Hane said:
Isn't that the same date announced at the Expo?
OK, they said January but didn't give an exact date, so it hasn't exactly been delayed *again*.
Since the Expo, Manga has had it down for 26th December 2011.

Kaze straight out said January but I guess Manga were being overoptimistic again.

Spot on :p! January 30th will be the date and it's a very one-off isolated affair at the end of the day :).
I'm just glad Kaze have their thinking-cap on and are releasing the DVD and BD at the same time. I honestly do wonder how the Blu-ray releases of The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya and K-On! will do, being released months after the DVDs and all. Then again, at least K-On! has the boxset thing going for it...