Ryoko model (completed)

Mr B

Student Council President
OK I admit I've not finished it yet :( I've had a few small problems of my own creating during the week so it's been slow going. I'm roughly 1/3 the way through the painting/build... a quick pic of the bits which are just about complete.



Also working on the upper torso & head (skin tones) and am part way through doing the jacket.

I'll post the complete figure once it's done, which should (hopfully) be next weekend.

Thanks for looking

That is quite awesome, i'm very interested in this kit. What did you use for painting? Spraying or brush? Nice Job on Ryo-Ohki :)
Thats great from what you've done so far, the colouring is done well and Ryo-Ohki looks great. Can't wait to see the finished model :)
Cheers :D

I'm using Tamiya acrylic paint mixed 1:1 with thinners and applied with an airbrush, but I do use a brush on the fiddly bits and for touch-up work.

I normally finish off with Xtracrylix Flat ot Satin varnish.
McIcy said:
Mmmm nice legs dude although I am more of breast man so keep up the good work lol

lol! typical lad.
it looks great wots bin done so far. dont rush perfection takes time so just keep goin at your own pace. gud luk.
From this mornings work...



Made a mess of the head on Thursday and am having to strip it right back to the resin. I'll post up again once its completed :D
Mr B said:
From this mornings work...



Made a mess of the head on Thursday and am having to strip it right back to the resin. I'll post up again once its completed :D

Looks pristine so far, can't wait to see the end product. :p
Very little work required on this one, I spent about 1 1/2 hours yesterday getting him to the stage above. This morning I've applied the first coat of grey primer, which will show up all the bits that need to be filled or sanded.

It's going to be a fairly straight forward paint scheme (only 6 colours compaired to 17 on Ryoko) so it should be done by this time next week :D

Dependant on the coplexity of the build and the paint scheme it's takeing me between 1 to 3 weeks to build/paint a kit.

Aslo... working on Ryoko's head and I should have the full kit finished by tomorrow dinner :D