I think you summed all that up perfectly, Ian. That final line of Simon's never fails to do it for me. He's still a staunch proponent of the value of hope 20 years on, despite the cruel hand that fate dealt him.
It's heartbreaking that in only that short time, the hero of humanity seems to have been quietly forgotten. Simon doesn't seem to find it that way, though.
I guess that a life as a wandering drifter was all there was for him after losing the love of his life, Nia. She could never be replaced, in his eyes. Movie #2 somehow manages to draw even more emotional impact out of old Simon's restless existence in its own epilogue, reframing it as a quest to fulfill Nia's last wish and again creating a story thematically even stronger than the original. We'll have the chance to see that for ourselves in three days' time during this simulwatch.
We'll also be seeing drastically different roles in the story for the sadly departed Team Dai-Gurren stalwarts Zorthy, Iraak, Kid, Makken, Jorgun and Balinbow. Expect a very different final battle is the only thing I will say as a teaser for now.
But back to episode 27, there are just too many things I could gush over in the epilogue. I love seeing Gimmy and Darry in their impressive new roles — so much so that I actually feel a sense of pride towards them. I love how an older and wiser Rossiu is voiced by the same VA, Jōji Nakata, as the head of his old village, bringing things around in a very satisfying full circle. And I love how Leeron doesn't seem to have aged a day; he's the only one who hasn't!
He must have a good moisturising regime, is all I can say. 
You make another very good point there, Ian. 
I think there might've been something niggling me the previous times I've seen the ending, but it's never materialised as a conscious thought, and you've managed to dig it out there. That's... arguably sexist, as if Yōko would prefer us to remember her as she looked when she was younger.
I haven't actually watched today's episode yet (because it's glorious sunshine outside as I type this!), so I'm writing from memory for the time being.
I'm looking forward to seeing all of this for myself again when I can.