Revolutionary Girl Utena


So I wanted to know what people's opinion's were on Utena? Ive just got the entire series + movies and i keep reading that its a good anime from the reviews ive read on anidb and amazon, but how come its not talked about more? Is it underrated or was it just so strange noone wants to talk about it anymore?
I suppose just because its old people have forgotten about it, or maybe its a good anime but doesnt leave an impression on the viewers.
I havent seen the series myself because it doesnt really seem like i would like it to much, im very picky with what i watch :p
It's a really, really good show and I loved it. The film was a bit weird in my opinion though, lol! I guess it's just a bit of an old series. It never got a release over here which would affect how many people know about it as well.

You say you've got it now so just watch and enjoy it as much you can - who cares what others may think? :D
thund3r said:
So I wanted to know what people's opinion's were on Utena? Ive just got the entire series + movies and i keep reading that its a good anime from the reviews ive read on anidb and amazon, but how come its not talked about more? Is it underrated or was it just so strange noone wants to talk about it anymore?

Lucky you. Utena products seem to be a rarity nowerdays with CPM more or less dying. The Rose Collection (+movie) are out of stock everywhere now and I've missed my chance for the last two collections as I was waiting for the first to come back into stock. Hard life isn't it?

But anyway, enjoy it, I've heard good things about it as well.

EDIT: On the subject of magical girl anime. I really do hope Sailor Moon gets the release it deserves sometime, along with that final season. Massive Sailor Moon boxset for the win.
Ushio said:
It's a really, really good show and I loved it. The film was a bit weird in my opinion though, lol! I guess it's just a bit of an old series. It never got a release over here which would affect how many people know about it as well.
It's one of my favourite shows, in spite of its noticeable flaws. The characterisation and story are great, and there are lots of fun quirky bits, like the shadow girls and the student council meetings.

The movie is quite a bit different, it's very surreal which can make it hard to understand what's going on, but in essence it's still a retelling, and in many ways it actually explains better than in the series what was going on, such as (big spoiler) the students being shown as straw dolls.
Also, even though the art may look a little dated to some it doesn't look bad by any means, and the imagery is quite something.

As a note, Utena, along with eva and Zettai Shounen, is a show where I really had to rack my brains to figure out what was actually going on by the end ^^
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I have Utena and have to say I thoroughly enjoyed/enjoy it!

The creators balaced the different elements very well. It's a fun show and though it's long it holds your attention.
Utena was and is still my favourite character. I look up to her. I like her nobility, honesty and how she defends damsels in distress. Can't think of a better role model! :D

The movie is stunning but so odd and surreal that you should watch that AFTER having watched the series.
RetroRainbow said:
The opening theme, 'Rinbu Revolution' is truly amazing. I'd it on repeat all last night. Truly a perfect theme song, Also, Shoko Nakagaawa (singer who did the Gurren Lagann opening) has released two anime cover albums, both of which are on my Ipod, and it only hit me that she did a cover of this song. A more modern sounding version of it, and while I like that too, it can't compare to the original. Original sounds slightly more desperate, or something.

Wow, i wondered why my thread got dug up! Hehe yea i think thats how i heard about Utena at the time, being a fan of Shokotan i was curious what those cover songs covered and utena was something i'd never heard about.

Still... i've yet to really watch the show, i've managed to keep the fansubs backed up on an external drive but ive got no enthusam to watch it.
As for the manga i have the first 3 out of 5 volumes and they're more of a brief run through of the show, but its still very interesting to read.
Hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think, then maybe i'll give it another shot.