We have just posted Paul Bates's review of <a href="http://www.animeuknews.net/viewreview.php?showreview=229">Texhnolyze #3</a> (courtesy of MVM).<ul class="menu">"This latest thought provoking volume of Texhnolyze is as unpredictable and beautifully animated as ever, but where as previous volumes had focussed on Ichise’s immediate reactions to his increasingly dire situations; here the technological nightmare of Lux is slowly unveiled for all to see. Yoshii's plans climax with some interesting revelations about the world above ground (and "the Class"). That said, Texhnolyze remains a largely atmospheric, ambient experience that will scare many curious viewers away with its bleak invention and stilted story telling pace. This is real science fiction, a series unafraid to break convention and present ideas and theories about our future that are as chilling as they are enthralling."</ul><a href="http://www.animeuknews.net/viewreview.php?showreview=229">Read more...</a>