Review of Naruto: Shippuuden #9


Vampire Ninja
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<b>Review of Naruto: Shippuuden #9 by Reevothemusefan</b>

A fierce battle between Guren, the Leaf Ninja, and the three-tailed beast ends with Yuukimaru failing to control the three-tailed monster and splitting up the opposing sides.&nbsp;Our heroes decide to re-group and discuss Guren&rsquo;s crystal style jutsu at the hideout, to plan a way to counter this technique. Meanwhile, Naruto continues to worry&nbsp;about Yuukimaru's safety, since he strongly believes that Guren is using Yuukimaru for Orochimaru&rsquo;s plans. With the three-tailed beast still on the loose and a leaf ninja plan to seal the huge monster, will this arc make any improvements?<br>
If you have read my last Naruto box-set review, you'll be aware that I hated&nbsp;the way&nbsp;this filler arc started; it felt very generic and boring,&nbsp;which made me frustrated with this part of the story - but I did give it, at least, some kudos for making the last few episodes more interesting. After that, I was afraid the arc would further disappoint me, and&nbsp;I was very happy that never happened, because I really enjoyed most of these episodes in this box-set.<br>
One of the reasons is the growing relationship between Guren and Yuukimaru. You start to see a change&nbsp;from Guren's earlier cold behaviour and, as the episodes&nbsp;go on, a more human side to her is revealed. I ended up really liking her as there's enough development to make her character interesting, and, although Yuukimaru ends up being a tad bland, the bond between them&nbsp;is one of the highlights of this arc.<br>
The action is also a step up from previous episodes, allowing for some large and tense&nbsp;action scenes that surprised me. Fights didn&rsquo;t feel&nbsp;as if&nbsp;they dragged on for too long&nbsp;and were varied enough to keep me entertained, although by the end of the arc, I felt&nbsp;as if&nbsp;it lacked a proper climax.&nbsp;As a&nbsp;matter of fact, the final confrontation and resolution&nbsp;seemed like a bit of a cop-out but this didn&rsquo;t bother me&nbsp;too much.<br>
The presentation is up to Naruto standards, with some great fight animation and good character designs. One nitpick:&nbsp;the CGI is very apparent in some of these episodes;&nbsp;for&nbsp;example, the huge&nbsp;number of enemies that Naruto has to deal with. While I understand why Studio Pierrot would do this, it feels distracting.<br>
That being said, this is a good end to a filler arc that really frustrated me at the beginning; it has a good mix of comedy, drama and action that fits well together throughout this box set. At the same time, I&rsquo;m just disappointed that I never felt that way at the beginning.<br>
We have a new OP 'Ikimonogakari&nbsp; - Hotaru no Hikari' which&nbsp;is more sombre than previous Naruto Shippuuden openings; it's&nbsp;a decent track but the animation is too stiff&nbsp;and boring, never really&nbsp;holding my interest. The ED track 'Super Beaver &ndash; Shinkokyuu' feels like an indie rock theme that is more suited&nbsp;to me. I really like this one, but, on the other hand, the ED animation has this CGI dark, ugly presentation that I really loathe -&nbsp;I would even go so far as to&nbsp;call it &lsquo;Emo&rsquo;.
Extras are unchanged again, with the some production art and trailers.<br>
In Summary<br>
A much better offering in this box set; it has enough drama and excitement to make it worth checking out the second part of this arc.<br>
<b>Final score: 7 out of 10</b>

<b>Additional screencaps</b>

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and then confuses u a few arcs down the road when the real 3 tails jinchuuriki is show :D
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