Review of Magical Witches Yoyo and Nene - SLA Screening Review


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<b>Review of Magical Witches Yoyo and Nene - SLA Screening Review by Reevothemusefan</b>

This year saw the return of the Scotland Loves Animation mystery film and brief hints told us that it was a kids' movie and&nbsp;a European premiere not out in Japan yet. It was revealed to be Magical Witches Yoyo and Nene.<br>

The film is directed by Ufotable which was a bit surprising since their recent&nbsp;TV anime&nbsp;and movies have been made for a mature audience (Fate/Zero, Kara no Kyoukai) and the director Takayuki Hirao also made the very gory Gyo. However,&nbsp;Ufotable have created some very impressive animated projects, therefore&nbsp;this children's movie&nbsp;should&nbsp;be&nbsp;very interesting.<br>

Yoyo and Nene are witches that run a 'witches for hire' business in a magical land; the opening sequences gives us a look at what these sisters are capable of and how this world operates. It's not long before&nbsp;a tree full of foreign buildings suddenly appears in the forest and Yoyo flies&nbsp;off to investigate this strange event.<br>

While looking around these buildings and at various objects, Yoyo finds everything alien. Upon&nbsp;further investigating the buildings&nbsp;she finds two kids in a elevator and proceeds to open it, only to find that it's empty. All of the sudden, a magical mark appears that suddenly&nbsp;activates the lift and, when it stops, transports her to Japan&nbsp;where she sees the two children from before. After chasing them back to&nbsp;their house, we find that the children's parents have been cursed and turned into harmless monsters. So begins Yoyo's investigation&nbsp;into what happened here and how she can get back home.<br>

If I were to descibe my feelings towards most of the movie, I would have to say that the film is very cheesy, both in predictable way and in a fun way. During the most important moments you can probably&nbsp;guess what will happen and while I have to call this a nitpick, the way these moments are animated and executed make up for its predictability&nbsp;for the most part.<br>

The movie also focuses on mobile gaming&nbsp;and social networking and how that is implemented in the plot. It&nbsp;reminded me a bit of the recent TV series Gatchman Crowds and how social networking&nbsp;is affecting its world. The way&nbsp;it is implemented and revealed here is well done and creative.<br>

One of the most enjoyable things about this movie is its charm and humour:&nbsp;for example,&nbsp;when Yoyo proves to the family that she is a witch by turning one of the boys' heads into a penguin's head -&nbsp;one of the many moments where the quickly-executed comedy is done very well. However, doing this hinders the&nbsp;dramatic moments due to its predictability, so&nbsp;for the most part it just falls flat.<br>

The movie also rarely has any character development and when it does, it's mostly given to characters that have been off-screen for most of the movie. It's a shame that Yoyo's sister Nene is sidelined for almost all of the movie&nbsp;and mainly given the job&nbsp;of 'infomation dumper'.<br>

Ufotable does a very good job in the animation department, especially&nbsp;the magical world's designs; this might be the only time I've seen a flying chair made out of broomsticks. The creature designs look impressive as well.<br>

<strong>In Summary</strong><br>

Overall, Magical Witches Yoyo and Nene is a fun, well animated family movie but fails at a few things that keep it from being great.<br>

<b>Final score: 7 out of 10</b>

<b>Additional screencaps</b>

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