Review: Get Backers #1


Ghost of Animes
I've taken a look at ADV UK's Get Backers #1, a promising debut for a long running action series (10 DVD volumes) brimming with potential. Please note, this opening volume contains 5 episodes.<ul><span class=menu>Get Backers is a series that seems to have fallen under the radar of many anime fans but based on this evidence, perhaps somewhat unfairly. There are the ingredients here for a fun, exciting show; enthusiastic young men with magical powers facing off against each other in the high streets of a contemporary Japan will, of course, always provide compulsive viewing.</span></ul><a href="">Read full review</a>.
Blatent emotional manipulation? I think you can say this for quite a few animes, not just Get Backers. These sorts of things seem to be pretty common to try and flesh out characters in a couple of flashbacks. [/rant]

I enjoyed it anyway, I've been waiting to see more since that taster episode at Ame. The one thing I can't stand is the opening theme though.

That ladybug kicks ass.
I thought the flashbacks were just so much more heavy handed in Get Backers though, especially considering what happens in them- surely there are better ways of illustrating dying mum: you must feel sorry for her daughter. Flashbacks are an essential part of many shows, agreed, but I just feel perhaps Get Backers could have handled them in a different way (I preferred Ban's flashbacks actually, more open to interpretation).
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I thought the ending song was much more likeable, moreso than the opening which I found screechy and... ugh. It was slower and better fitting. The background music for some of the fights is pretty good though.
This is one of my current faves but I have 2 complaints about it, the op. and ed. themes are awful and I can't stand the Japanese voices :? I expected Ban to sound cute but not both of them :(

I'm afraid to admit that for me, it's the bishy guys that keep me coming back for more (as well as the fact I LOVE anime where the characters have special powers, a throw back of my love of comic book super heroes - namely Superman :twisted: ).
Miaka-chan said:
This is one of my current faves but I have 2 complaints about it, the op. and ed. themes are awful and I can't stand the Japanese voices :? I expected Ban to sound cute but not both of them :(

That and hearing Ginji refer to Ban as 'Ban-chan' on the sub was kind of disturbing (shounen-ai alert! *klaxxon noises*)...

I enjoyed the dub. I think the voices were pegged almost spot on for the characters, especially Ban. I'm impressed :D .