Are the movies relatively accessible for someone coming into it blind? I was always kind of curious about Silent Mobius, but my sole experience of the anime is seeing the TV series dubbed into French.
Ahh, yes. I've not seen the film in its entirety (seen a fair bit of it through clips), but I've heard a lot about Penguin's Memory and I'm very curious about where the idea for the film came from. My understanding is that the penguins were popular mascot characters for a brand of beer in Japan at the time, so quite how they got from there to 'serious drama about the effects of war and dealing with PTSD' seems like a bit of a mystery...
Not sure how it all fits together, but amusingly, I'm guessing the film must have also had some influence on the designers at Konami, as the penguin character in the later Parodius games is often depicted with a very similar flak jacket / machine gun combo.