RETRO ANIME Book Gets a Kickstarter Project



Fans of retro anime may remember that the writer Roberto Bottazzi was interviewed earlier this year about his book RETRO ANIME – The Roots of Japanese Animation, a project where he attempts to list every anime produced in Japan from 1917 to 1969. This ambitious book now has a Kickstarter project launched this week with the ultimate goal of raising £30,000 by November 2nd.

The Kickstarter project aims to get the book in print both digitally and physically by the end of the year, opening up years’ worth of research into classic anime that has been overlooked or forgotten. Money put into the Kickstarter will ensure that a Japanese translator will check through every title listed, the book will be proof-read by a native English speaker and it will be printed in a high quality format. Roberto, the project’s creator, states on the Kickstarter page, “For the very first time in the western world, the whole (and forgotten) compendium of every Japanese animated work produced in the past it is to be released in a full-coloured book! This is not another boring essay, this is a complete and comprehensive index of everything made and produced until 1969, with titles, directors, durations, synopsis and screenshots, plus biographies, analysis and other chapters as well.”

The Kickstarter page states that there is also more information on:

the origins of Japanese animation

the creation of the animation

directors’ biographies

a list of what’s available to buy on DVD

information about early TV commercials

information about the most important dates and animation companies

information about Toy Films and Paper Films

Backers can expect rewards such as an Astroboy keychain, bookmarks, and rare pins designed by the world-famous illustrator Ryohei Yanagihara (Uncle Torys). At the time of writing, the project has £150 with 28 days left to go. To find out more head to these links:

Link to the Kickstarter Project

Link to the Interview

This News Article was written by Genkinahito

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