Reliable UK DVD release date for FFVII: Advent Children

Argh! Well considering Sony are responsible for the Steamboy fiasco I think I'll take this one with a pinch of salt... No. Make that a bucketful. :evil:

(Sorry. I'm still upset with how they've handled Steamboy)

Is there any detail as to whether it will feature a Japanese dub as well as an English dub.
Gawyn said:
Is there any detail as to whether it will feature a Japanese dub as well as an English dub.

After their planned dub-only release of Steamboy, I'm hesistant to say whether or not it will include the Japanese version. I really hope they do, other wise I'll personally lose all interest in this release (having never played Final Fantasy to start with! :) )

These feature films seem to have a recent history of dub-only treatment, apparently "Sky Blue" only comes with the English dub too.
Paul said:
[snip]having never played Final Fantasy to start with![/snip]

Careful, there's people on the internet that would lynch you for saying something like that. :mrgreen:

Sony certainly are taking their sweet time with this release aren't they? I was half wondering whether I shouldn't just watch the fansub while I'm waiting, except that I'd prefer to watch it on a TV for preference.
Paul said:
These feature films seem to have a recent history of dub-only treatment, apparently "Sky Blue" only comes with the English dub too.
I think Sky Blue was orignally scripted in English for the Korean version from what I understand. Releasing it over here with a Japanese cast for a Korean movie wouldn't make much sense if that wasn't the language it was made in... It is a fairly special case too, being one of the very few Korean animations to be seen over here.
Gawyn said:
Paul said:
These feature films seem to have a recent history of dub-only treatment, apparently "Sky Blue" only comes with the English dub too.
I think Sky Blue was orignally scripted in English for the Korean version from what I understand. Releasing it over here with a Japanese cast for a Korean movie wouldn't make much sense if that wasn't the language it was made in... It is a fairly special case too, being one of the very few Korean animations to be seen over here.

I wasn't clear in my original post but I knew Sky Blue was a Korean film- just with it being created in Korea, it would have been nice to have the original language track.
Paul said:
(having never played Final Fantasy to start with! :) )
Like Char's Counterattack, previous knowledge of the plot, characters etc. is rendered non-essential by the fact that it's a shallow style over substance affair in which the action is paramount. Except that AC's battles are overlong and tiresome (where CC's were actually good), and the newly introduced characters are even more pointless and devoid of development.

Actually, I lie. This is more like a Ranma movie, or the like. It's 24/7 fanservice, where every character you thought was actually dead, has returned for an aimless 2 second cameo. So yes, as you're not a fan, this movie will be... somehow... unimaginably... worse than if you'd actually played the games beforehand.

April 24th is HL2 Aftermath's day anyway :p
April - again they must test the will of lerion with yet another setback. according to the website where I purchace the large majority of my Anime collection, (well, the last time I checked the site anyway) the release date was set to late february/early march. now as both of the afforementioned dates cannot be accurate, I am wondering which source should be trusted?

By the hand of lerion.
I would suggest the later date (April) to be more accurate since the February release was a very old estimate based upon a US release of November 2005, which never came to pass. The US isn't due to get the DVD until March (I think) and we will almost certainly not get it before they do.
Gawyn said:
I would suggest the later date (April) to be more accurate since the February release was a very old estimate based upon a US release of November 2005, which never came to pass. The US isn't due to get the DVD until March (I think) and we will almost certainly not get it before they do.

Alas, but I cannot say that I am surprised. I veiw it as well worth the wait though, despite cursing the names of the producers frequently for making the UK wait for a feature of such Epicness.