Recomendation request... again


Thousand Master
Usual request need new anime to watch, worked my way through most of the series I've been meaning to watch through the joys of online rental, and now looking for new series (or 5) to start on. While the list of my top ten anime will give you a clue as to what I like thought also giving a list of the things that change a good anime into a great anime (i.m.o.).
-Roughly equal sex ratio, not 20 girls, one guy.
-Adults, I teach so a watching all kids wouldn't be much of an escape
-Sense of humour, even if it isn't a comedy
- Normality (for them at least), really like it if there is an episode or two which shows the characters living something like every day life (even if that includes 'guest dolem for the day'). it helps round off a character.
-Not infallible, not a complete gumby, in some series the characters are rebel's who buck the system but always succeed, other series have a lead character who generally is a witless moron, who while having some natural talent or skill often lacks any form of common sense, basic knowledge about ...anything really human emotions, tact, science etc
-Plots, need beginning, middle and end (though not necessarily in that order) and the end is just as important as any other part (so no 'it was good except for the last episode' series pls)
Series for grown-up market (not meaning porn!) with grown-ups in it:

Lupin III - Quite a popular choice and it's fun. Action and each episode has a different story so it's quite varied. Films are patchy, but the series is nice.

Salaryman Kintaro - Ex-biker punk gets a job in an office. Expect office politics and board meetings everywhere. It's pretty cheesy too. An acquired taste, but I like it so far (I have the first 2 DVDs).

Master Keaton - Not seen any of it, but I've heard good things and isn't your typical action anime. Think it might be kind of like Yugo the Negotiator, but not as dark. (Not that I've seen that one either, lol!)

Oh and if you're a teacher I hope you've tried GTO (Great Teacher Onizuka). Heard the anime's not so good, but the manga's great fun!

(other recommended titles: Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Fist of the North Star, Devil Lady, Rune Soldier and Planetes - I don't like that last one, but you might)
OK I will give you my fave anime suggestions,

Initial D - everyday guy works as a driver finds out he's fast but doesn't believe it til he starts getting challenged.

Genshiken - only 2 girls, everyday life of anime/otaku fans
Ushio said:
Oh and if you're a teacher I hope you've tried GTO (Great Teacher Onizuka). Heard the anime's not so good, but the manga's great fun!

you must have heard wrong
GTO is brilliant stuff! worth watching and great comedy
Just wish i could do some of the stuff that the teacher does in GTO, but would never work again if i did. Watched (or am watching), Cowboy Bebop (finished, liked but not so keen on the episodic nature of show), Samurai Champloo (to about vol 3 ditto), Planetes (romantic optimist and cynic... bet a box of cookies they are dating the end).
I've only been watching fansubs lately so if you can get hold of these:

* Nana
* Honey and Clover

These 2 both feature uni aged people which is adult to me but might be too similar to school for you. With Nana though most of the characters arn't students. They definitely fit your other requirements.

What age and subject do you teach? I could end up down that road one day myself.
hopeful_monster said:
, Planetes (romantic optimist and cynic... bet a box of cookies they are dating the end).

Finished the series, I win a box of cookies off myself. As for the job, teach field studies, i.e. the out door part of geography, biology, science to kids from 5-18 yrs old, look up my '15 seconds of fame' thread on general chat for more details.
Also should point out not really keen on 'slice of life' stuff.
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