Rave Master coming to UK TV


Ghost of Animes
Various <a href="http://www.c21media.net/resources/detail.asp?area=79&article=22125">reports</a> and rumours around the Internet are stating that Cartoon Network UK have picked up the 51-episode anime <a href="http://www.animenfo.com/animetitle,714,rpxluz,groove_adventur.html">Rave Master</a> and are expected to start airing the show on UK TV (probably on Toonami UK) during the first quarter of 2005.

Rave Master has been (and is) a popular show on Cartoon Network in the US and given this series is distributed (in the US) by Tokyopop, this perhaps hints that Tokyopop are continuing to increase their interest in the UK.

UPDATE: According to a post by IanC over at the <a href="http://forums.animeondvd.com/showthreaded.php?Cat=&Number=750976&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&vc=1">AnimeonDVD forums</a>, Toonami UK have lined up the popular anime One Piece to premiere at around the same period as Rave Master. Also, in addition to this news, Toonami UK are still planning on creating a late night Adult Swim block, but have yet to tie-up enough shows to license for it (unfortunately, they have already stated that they have no intentions of using anime in this block).
I wish I could be excited by this news, but the fact remains that Rave Master has received less than decent reviews from anime fans in the US (not forgetting it's supposed to be a complete Tokyopop hack-job) and then we have the 4Kids version of One Piece, which is apparently a complete mutilation of the original series.

And the whole Adult Swim situation still leaves a bitter taste in my mouth too. They should be pushing for accessable anime like Inuyasha to stick in there- a proven worldwide TV hit in the US and yes, even Canada. Argh, how long can they continue to ignore decent, broad-appeal anime?
Paul said:
UPDATE: According to a post by IanC over at the <a href="http://forums.animeondvd.com/showthreaded.php?Cat=&Number=750976&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&vc=1">AnimeonDVD forums</a>

Anyway, i have seen the first 4 episodes of Rave Master and i like it, so i cant wait for it to start on UK TV.

(just noticed theres a spelling mistake in my post on AoD :lol: )
Paul said:
Argh, how long can they continue to ignore decent, broad-appeal anime?
I think we're partway through a demonstration of just how long they can ignore it. It's like they're saying "we know it's popular, but we won't give in".
At this point I would say to enjoy what your given. Obviously that can't happen. The 4Kids version of One Piece will somehow end up like the 4Kids version of Card Captor Sakura that was shown on CITV all those years ago.

The Adult Swim idea could of pulled in a very large audience if the line up was anything like that of its US counter-part. However some rumours suggest that its aiming for a cult market, with shows like Thundercats and Bucky O'Hare. I've listened to the FMA dub and frankly I'm glad DVDs come with Japanese Audio and subtitles.

The Anime Network may be a few years off, but its still our best hope for anime on TV even if it is just ADV licenced stuff.
I remember watching CCS on citv years ago (i actually enjoed it). Lets just hope if Rave Master and One Piece get high ratings then Toonami might put on more anime, you never know it could happen maybe we'll see Gundam Seed next (not .hack//sign tho too complex for little minds).
I doubt Gundam SEED would be broadcasted without some heavy editing in the later episodes, as a couple of main characters die pretty brutal deaths halfway through. That said, edited Gundam Wing did well, so who knows? There's still a chance for more Anime if Rave Master does come to Cartoon Network, especially if it can drag in more younger veiwers. I still find it strange that the success of Dragonballz hasn't encouraged CNUK to experiment a bit more...