Rapture TV's "Anime Nation" leaks on YouTube


Ghost of Animes
A clip from Rapture TV's forthcoming anime "magazine" style TV show Anime Nation has been "leaked" on YouTube - the clip features an extract from an interview with US dub voice actress Monica Rial and the show's "animated" interviewer "Kanki". It is still unknown when specifically Anime Nation will finally debut on Repture, but for more information on the show, take a look at our interview with its producer.
I'm not sure what to make of this "Kanki" character - I thought this kind of fake interviewer technique died in the 80s? Very tacky and cheap looking, but then again, Rapture are making a weekly show about anime - so they deserve the benefit of our doubt! :)
Agreed on the 'tackiness' of Kanki but Rapture have been eager to listen to fan feedback concerning their anime showing so far - I think they'll iron out teething problems happily enough and will pay attention to what viewers like and don't like.

As long as the material is of interest it'll do well!
Don't forget, Rapture still havn't decided on a presenter yet, so some random person conducting the interview at Animecon ( or where ever it was ), would probably look as odd as Kanki does. At least this way it 'almost' makes a kind of sense.

I do hope they improve the animation though, because it 'does' look tacky.
Is that going to replace Mezzo DSA, I hope not. I want a new anime to be shown, not the time slot replaced by a anime review/preview show.

I want last exile, I want bleach or I want Full metal panic
thund3r said:
does anyone know when this is going to air?

By official, from rapture TV is coming soon. By spectaculations and unnoficial news is that you may see it late october-late november.

But, I don't want it to replace the 8:30pm time slot because I want a new anime to replace that time slot.

I may find some new manga I want from Anime nation, I olny read Bleach so far in the manga section.
hmmm... this will be interesting in what way they will deal with anime nation.

I thought this show was gonna be something like gamer tv where they have a narrator running the show.