Agian looking for a game to waste sometime i came across this game it's currently open beta and a bit laggy but i'd say if your into mmorpg and don't want to fork out 10quid a month this is the place to look
There seems to be few sound tracks so don't expect anything fantastic the weapons and monsters have sound effects nothing new there.
Then we come to gameplay now an indepth tutorial guides and plenty of warnings,each weapon has it's strengths and weakness but it also comes down to your own taste.Instead of having elves and goblins and whatever you have ausura gaia and deva ausura being evil(the emo kids love this race),gaia for red heads all over balanced,deva for blue hair and healing(i went for blue hair of course
) each with there strengths and weakness and so on,as you level up you get better abilties to create your own stratergies.We have pvp combat which is nothing new really just like wow you go to a speacil sever or set pk mode-on off.
All the downsides all rounded up in one's beta and lots of people play so incredible lag at peek times
2.not much armour to choose from
3.many,many bugs
4.Can get repetive like all mmorpg
Upside 8)
2.It's like Wow if you like it tell me
I'd like to remind you it's open beta so much needs to be done on it ps.i have bad spelling and bad at reviews but enjoy anywho
This is my opinion don't let my opinion affect whenether you want to play or not
Set aside 1-3hours to download
have fun
There seems to be few sound tracks so don't expect anything fantastic the weapons and monsters have sound effects nothing new there.
Then we come to gameplay now an indepth tutorial guides and plenty of warnings,each weapon has it's strengths and weakness but it also comes down to your own taste.Instead of having elves and goblins and whatever you have ausura gaia and deva ausura being evil(the emo kids love this race),gaia for red heads all over balanced,deva for blue hair and healing(i went for blue hair of course
All the downsides all rounded up in one's beta and lots of people play so incredible lag at peek times
2.not much armour to choose from
3.many,many bugs
4.Can get repetive like all mmorpg
Upside 8)
2.It's like Wow if you like it tell me
I'd like to remind you it's open beta so much needs to be done on it ps.i have bad spelling and bad at reviews but enjoy anywho
This is my opinion don't let my opinion affect whenether you want to play or not
Set aside 1-3hours to download
have fun