Rammstein's new *ahem* video...



Rammstein have recently released a single (for the new album I think) and have just finished the video for it. The song is called "pussy" and funnily enough it's about sex :].

But really, I can't stress how bad the video is (bad, as in you're royally ****** if you're caught watching it) so click if you like Rammstein, just curious to see what's so bad about it or you're just a perv.

(Just click the one button certifying you're 18 and it'll play)

Oh, and watch IT ALL
"Take me now, oh don't you see? I can't get laid in Germany!"

Best lyric of the 21st Century so far.

I think that song sums up how about 90% of men feel about sex. They'll no doubt take flak for it from many quarters, but nevertheless, bravo Rammstein.

The video has actual porn. XD Real penetration! XD

I wonder if the link to the vid will be edited out of the post by a moderator?

Mod edit: removed explicit lyrics
Mutsumi said:

The video has actual porn. XD Real penetration! XD

I wonder if the link to the vid will be edited out of the post by a moderator?

Mod Edited: removed explicit lyrics

I hope not, considering there's a clear NSFW warning.

Besides, they love it really ;p
Mutsumi said:

The video has actual porn. XD Real penetration! XD

I wonder if the link to the vid will be edited out of the post by a moderator?
After actually following the link and watching it, yes, it was removed.

Seriously dude! And you have the nerve to call me pervie for one or another figure that I've got ;)
Aww. Chaos you spoilsport. It had a "only click if you are of age" button! :p

Presumably seeing as it's a music video, if released it should get an 'E' (exempt from classification) rating on artistic grounds, right? Wonder how our wonderful BBFC will handle this one...
It will probably get banned in a lot of places and cause an uproar - which is I expect exactly what they want, knowing Rammstein.

I was out all weekend but that was pretty explicit. I was watching it and thinking, "pah, they made all that fuss about a few breasts?". Then it turned things up to eleven right at the end. I rather like the actual song. Typical cheeky lyrics.

i dont get it... is this a song about a MAN and a WOMAN doing it? sick. just plain wrong. Now what did i do with that 'what what in the butt' video...