Quantum of Solace - New James bond film


Brigade Leader
just been to see it omg what a load of crap!!!

its not a bond film!!

though after speaking with arbalest on msn about ti he made a fair point that it was a side of bond never seen before.
Kendarr said:
just been to see it omg what a load of crap!!!

its not a bond film!!

Wrong section for starters =p

Quantum of Solace was a great film in my opinion. It brings a different side of Bond through that we never get to see. For once he isn't able to shrug everything off, he's more....i guess you could say human as Daniel Craig. He may save the day, but he doesn't can't carry on as normal, since he has "lost", you could say.
I agree in a sense, its not the same Bond as before, no awesome Gadgets, Q, or stuff like that, but instead it does bring new things to the table, and i like that, approach an extremely well known character, and showing a different side to him. Daniel Craig does it well too.
Quantum of Solace really has re-established my adoration for all things James Bond. I still haven't seen Casino Royale (and I have to watch that before I can go to see QoS) but I should have it by next weekend :] It seems like QoS has gotten very good reviews, in any case.

Thunderball was on today and I really enjoyed that. James Bond is awesome! :]
CitizenGeek said:
Quantum of Solace really has re-established my adoration for all things James Bond. I still haven't seen Casino Royale (and I have to watch that before I can go to see QoS) but I should have it by next weekend :] It seems like QoS has gotten very good reviews, in any case.

Thunderball was on today and I really enjoyed that. James Bond is awesome! :]

Being honest, as much as reviews are nice to look into for certain films, i've always found that Bond films are one of those ones which, regardless of reviews, you go out and watch anyway, since they may be the same over and over(bar the most recent two, of course), they always entertain in some way or form.
Does it matter what critics think? As long as you enjoy it, it's all that matters, who cares what they think. I haven't seen the movie yet and I doubt I'll go the cinema to watch it, not a big Bond fanatic, Casino Royale was pretty cool though... until I fell asleep watching it.
Turns out the critics are largely wrong on this one. I loved every minute of Quantum of Solace. It's no less a Bond movie than Casino Royale, and though it's not as excellent as that movie, or as original, I still enjoyed it very much! Honestly, I think I saw a different film to almost everyone else; I don't understand the criticisms at all :s
When did Bond go EMO?

I can't kill, i need a reason, I feel heartbroken, they killed a girl I knew for a few days and bedded once, boo f'ing hoo.

Dame Judy Dench should have slapped him, told him to go to his room and listen to some Emo band and stay out of the way while she gears up and goes Die Hard on the evil waterboys
McIcy said:
When did Bond go EMO?

I can't kill, i need a reason, I feel heartbroken, they killed a girl I knew for a few days and bedded once, boo f'ing hoo.

James Bond was absolutely not overtly emotional in this movie. Besides, Bond in Casino Royale and QoS is a much closer representation of the Bond in Fleming's books. And to be honest, though Connery and Moore's Bond was fun, I enjoy Brosnan and especially Craig's (and Dalton's) interpretation of the character much more. Bond is still debonair and classy, but has some substantial character and I really, really prefer that. I hope this trend of endowing Bond with human emotions and struggles continues :]
McIcy said:
When did Bond go EMO?

I can't kill, i need a reason, I feel heartbroken, they killed a girl I knew for a few days and bedded once, boo f'ing hoo.

Dame Judy Dench should have slapped him, told him to go to his room and listen to some Emo band and stay out of the way while she gears up and goes Die Hard on the evil waterboys

I'd say emo is a little to far. The idea behind this from what i remember was to add more to Bonds character, which they did well, Daniel Craig fits the role of this Bond brilliantly. Sure you could say its not the same as the old films, it isn't i agree, but Bond always seemed to be the same throughout, no real development, ok the films where all stand-alone but still. Connery will still be probably one of the best, if not the best bond i've seen, but i'd never rule out Craig, mainly because his portrayal of the character brings a lot more to the table than before, and i want to see more of that to be honest.
I think Connery's Bond and Craig's Bond are very, very different. So much so that comparing them doesn't really make sense. Connery's character was of the it's time, and I think Daniel Craig's Bond is definitely representative of 21st century film making :]

I really like that SPECTRE is being replaced by Quantum in this new re-boot of the series. I'm really interested in seeing where the Quantum story goes.
Ah, i wasn't comparing them, hah, sorry if it looked that way. What i meant was that out of everyone thats played Bond, Connery stands out the most to me, i guess because he was really the first Bond, or rather first serious Bond(i'm not including the spoof Casino Royale years ago), so he brought the character to life, hence why i think of him as one of the best. I agree, you can't really compare the two, mainly cause the way they play their roles, or rather, the Bond's they play, although based off the same character, are entirely different..well bar the expected similarities. In that sense, if this turns out to be the new generation Bond, Daniel Craig you could say is similar to Sean Connery in that he's the first in no doubt a line of many who will bring this "new" Bond to life..if that makes sense. =p
I found this film awesome. It was quite fast moving, and pretty short compared too the previous bond films (which is a good thing!); Normally during long films I start getting bored/tired - But I never did this in QOS! It was a very enjoyable watch, and didn't focus on this "bond is a stud, and to prove it, we'll show you this half an hour sex scene!" which normally occurs in bond films. I was quite annoyed that they killed off 'that rich guy' so early (I can't remember his name), I thought it would of been good if he hanged around for a bit longer and spent his time/money for good, or whatever.

@McIcy: Was I watching the same film as you?
He left the guy in the middle of a desert, with a can of oil too drink, was that not hardcore?!
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I'm going to see this within the next couple of days but I haven't heard anything really good about it from many people at all. It's a Bond film though and they never really seem to get much good said about them. I think people seem to expect too much but all I expect is some great action pulled off with that Bond class, anything else is a bonus. I still haven't completely warmed to Craig though his portrayal does remind me a lot of Dalton's, reluctant and moody. I can appreciate that.

Also Yagami I don't know about you but I can't ever remember a Bond sex scene lasting longer than about a minute and cutting to the next day before the scene actually occurs.