Printing Question


Even though I have no plans right now to make a comic I would like to know for the future. I have no idea of what needs to be done. Are there different things that need to be done if the comic has been done digitally rather than traditional media? Do you need to go to a specialised place? How much will it cost? I what to know everything that needs to be done, so if anyone has done this before please post.

Thanks to anyone who Replies.:D
I haven't had one printed out(though will have to soon), but the one thing I do know, is that you should set the comic/document/etc for CMYK rather than RGB.
Kinda. I know in photoshop, you can change the mode of each image from Grayscale (black/gray/white) to RBG (one of the many colour modes). It's mainly about how many colours you use and how define the picture is (in terms of number of pixels.)

I don't know anything else about it though. I've never used CMYK before.

Edit: Ack! You beat me Zentron. :lol:
Sammy said:
Whats the differance between CMYK and RGB?

CMYK = INKS - Used for anything that is printed media such as magazines and comics.

RGB = LIGHT - Media that is light based, such as photos, projectors and TV screens

Inks and light behave differently from one another and the way that they produce colours is not interchangable.

Although it is possible to send RGB to a CMYK device, and vice versa, it will always be converted, ( sometimes poorly ), as it is output.
Tasker said:
Although it is possible to send RGB to a CMYK device, and vice versa, it will always be converted, ( sometimes poorly ), as it is output.
As an example, I recently made a Poster using mostly blue tones in the GIMP, which is frustratingly RGB only. When printed by a printing company, there was a very noticeable difference to the colouration of the poster, which switched from vibrant, light blues to murky blues. Though to be fair, I prefer the poorly converted version, as the original looks a little washed out :p