Pop Music


Baka Ranger
There honestly is no need for an explanation about what we'll hopefully discuss on this thread. The only problem I foresee is pop music being too broad a genre, so we'll use the term in its traditional sense - artists or songs that's mainstream. I'll restrict myself on the size of this first post.

As you might have picked up on from other threads on this forum, I'm currently enjoying/loving the ever so awesome country pop Taylor Swift. 'Love Story' is a quality song, and is challenging to learn to lyrics to actually. Haha. Even if the video is terrible, I hope 'White Horse' does well over here since the song is great.

I don't see Britney's next single, 'If You Seek Amy' doing any better than 'Circus'. As fun as 'I.Y.S.A.; is, I like 'Circus' more and I would have thought it'd been more popular than it was. She should have released "Out From Under" or something more as her third single.
All this sudden talk about Taylor Swift, I didn't even know who she was two weeks ago.

The only "pop" music I really listen to currently is Lady Gaga and even then I don't like her a lot, some decent tunes, but ah well. I'll stick with her until she's dubbed batshit insane/unstable etc Like Britney was then I'll jump ship.
Lady GaGa is an idiot, she just never seems to be fully there. Just Dance and Pokerface and the other couple I've listened to just seem to be hybrids of all the other popular tunes right now so I don't think she'll change that much. However, was surprised at her connections via songwriting and stuff. I do listen to her, though.

Katy Perry has the best personality currently for pop stars.

Also, the current Number 1 is hilarious.
I like GaGa's Just Dance. Poker Face doesn't really grab me so I've gone off her aside from that already.

I don't listen to much pop purely because I have no TV/radio so never know what's out there. The recent Britney stuff hasn't impressed me at all. Katy Perry is funny.

I'm looking forward to Utada's new album if it ever gets a UK release (it counts!).

Rui said:
I'm looking forward to Utada's new album if it ever gets a UK release (it counts!).


Utada Hikaru? Unfortunately Asian artists don't get a look in here. Se7en is trying to crack the US as is BoA which is sounds great but from what I've heard from their albums it's actually a bit disappointing. I love their music but trying to do the popular style in the states means they lose their individuality and style which made them popular with audiences to begin with. :cry:
otaku010884 said:
Utada Hikaru? Unfortunately Asian artists don't get a look in here. Se7en is trying to crack the US as is BoA which is sounds great but from what I've heard from their albums it's actually a bit disappointing. I love their music but trying to do the popular style in the states means they lose their individuality and style which made them popular with audiences to begin with. :cry:

Yep, Hikki's second US album is coming out soon. I really liked her first (well, most of it, and I seem to be in a minority) so I'm excited. Exodus did eventually get a UK release though it was way too late and everyone who wanted it had probably already imported long before.

The lead single sounds rather average but I spoiled myself and listened to a sample of Apple & Cinnamon and that's a lot more "her", so I'm looking forward to getting the full album. Unfortunately I ordered it with some other stuff so it's held up...

I recently started really liking Lily Allen. Other than that, I don't really like that much pop :p.

Maxon said:
Jack Johnson, anyone? I also like a bit of Genesis.

:eek: I love his music but I'd definitely class it as soft rock!
I guess the best way to describe them is pop; recently i've been listening to The Asteroids Galaxy Tour.

First heard them on one of the iPhone adverts and they're pretty good as far as catchy pop goes!
Also that retro video is pretty awesome.
I just listened to Eminem's new video - We Made You. I'm frickin' clueless as to why he would put on that clown voice for a comeback single and references really date his music. I suppose the majority of his single choices aren't very good compared to their albums. I'm hoping I'll enjoy it more with loadsa air time.
tsk u kids call this pop?

Bring back S Club and Steps :D

as for the song in the op, if that can get to number 1 then surely this should of done too

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/3HB_thgON3c&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/3HB_thgON3c&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

they sound almost the same
Difference being Same Difference are so very creepy.

Oh yeah, I do miss proper bubble-gum pop music, but sadly, it hardly exists anymore so I had to make this just popular tunes and artists. We need some *NSYNC!