The Boss
Miyazaki's beautiful new anime tells the story of Sosuke who lives on a cliff by the sea and who discovers a magical goldfish stranded on the shore while out wandering one day. Instantly enamoured, Sosuke names her Ponyo and vows to protect her forever. But Ponyo belongs in the sea and when the wave spirits call her back to her home, they are both devastated. The friends can not bear to be apart but becoming human has grave consequences for the delightful Ponyo. An unashamedly charming revision of the classic marine myth.
Japan 2008 Dir. Hayao Miyazaki 100 min. In Japanese with English subtitles.
<b>Ponyo on the Cliff By The Sea (U)</b>
26 Nov 09 / 18:00
Also part of Barbican's Japanimation:
<b>Sword of the Stranger (18*) + Studio Bones ScreenTalk</b>
20:15 / The thrilling action anime + ScreenTalk with director Masahiro Ando and producer Mashiko Minami
26 Oct 09 / 20:15
his thrilling action anime is a hair-raising adventure laced with stunningly animated fight scenes and a high body count. Kotarou is a young boy pursued by the royal army of China's Ming dynasty.
When his trusty dog Tobimaru is injured in an ambush he reluctantly hires a nameless samurai for protection however, No-Name has a guilty past to deal with along with some of China's fiercest warriors.
<b>Mai Mai Miracle (12A*)</b>
26 Nov 09 / 20:30
Adapted from Nobuko Takagi's autobiographical novel, Mai Mai Miracle is a magical time-travelling adventure. Set in a town in the southwest of Japan in 1955 where nine-year-old Shinko and her new school friend Kiiko share a love of history. When they discover Shinko has an ancient family link to a legendary Japanese province, their imaginations take over and they explore a world which existed a thousand years before. Is it possible for daydreams to become reality?
More info at <a href="">Barbican website</a>
Japan 2008 Dir. Hayao Miyazaki 100 min. In Japanese with English subtitles.
<b>Ponyo on the Cliff By The Sea (U)</b>
26 Nov 09 / 18:00
Also part of Barbican's Japanimation:
<b>Sword of the Stranger (18*) + Studio Bones ScreenTalk</b>
20:15 / The thrilling action anime + ScreenTalk with director Masahiro Ando and producer Mashiko Minami
26 Oct 09 / 20:15
his thrilling action anime is a hair-raising adventure laced with stunningly animated fight scenes and a high body count. Kotarou is a young boy pursued by the royal army of China's Ming dynasty.
When his trusty dog Tobimaru is injured in an ambush he reluctantly hires a nameless samurai for protection however, No-Name has a guilty past to deal with along with some of China's fiercest warriors.
<b>Mai Mai Miracle (12A*)</b>
26 Nov 09 / 20:30
Adapted from Nobuko Takagi's autobiographical novel, Mai Mai Miracle is a magical time-travelling adventure. Set in a town in the southwest of Japan in 1955 where nine-year-old Shinko and her new school friend Kiiko share a love of history. When they discover Shinko has an ancient family link to a legendary Japanese province, their imaginations take over and they explore a world which existed a thousand years before. Is it possible for daydreams to become reality?
More info at <a href="">Barbican website</a>