Podcast Fantasy VII: Yoshiaki Kawajiri pt.1

Professor Irony

Coming to you direct from space prison, it's...

NB707 - "Teleporting Psychic Vampires in Space!" The Films of Yoshiaki Kawajiri Pt.1

00.00 – Intro – Yakitori (Yoko Kanno)

02.22 – "City on Fire": 1987-1991 - Burning World (Hidemi Miura)

In this first installment of our retrospective on action director extraordinaire, Yoshiaki Kawajiri, we walk softly and carry a wooden sword to investigate the 'city trilogy' of Wicked City, Demon City Shinjuku and Cyber City Oedo 808. Anyone who suggests having the word 'city' in the title is not sufficient grounds to call something a trilogy, will automatically have fifty years added to their sentence.

Followed by: "I May Be In Love With You" (Hidemi Miura)

1.01.24 – Closing – Forces (Susumu Hirasawa)

Massive thanks as always to daichi383 for his work on the edit. We're also still looking for additional audio editors, so if you are the true successor of Audioshin-ken, we'd love to hear from you. It would help us get the episodes out that bit quicker.

The show is available on itunes by clicking here or searching the iTunes store for Nakama Britannica
Listening now, about 25 minutes in. Just wanted to make a formal complaint about the presenters comparing a demon-infested district of Tokyo to a British council estate, which is just so awfully insensitive to the demons.

I think it was briefly mentioned that the Japanese army had launched an attack on Shinjuku, but gave up after being roundly spanked by the demons. If only they'd sent a boy with a stick and a girl with a good heart instead of tanks and choppers.
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Hah, looks like we've just set human/demon relations back another hundred years or so...

Now that you mention it, I think they probably did make reference to the army being sent into Shinjuku. It just amuses me though, how the rest of the city seems able to carry on as normal, despite having a portal to a hellish other dimension smack in the heart of its central business district.
I'm sure the demons would contribute to the economy, I mean just imagine the sort of jobs they could do...*

* At this point, I don't know why but I'm imagining some kind of sitcom based in such a world, where a group of monstrous demons, who actually act like the Waltons, move into a new house in the human world next to human neighbours...
Goods conversation guys, I enjoyed it. I've never seen Wicked or Demon City, but I've loved Cyber City Oedo ever since I first saw it when I was about 12. So I'm pleased it gets your stamp of approval!

I look forward to part 2. Also I just checked his wiki and discovered that Kawajiri contributed to Wind of Amnesia, which is another one of my early anime watching days VHS favourites.
Cyber City was a fantastic watch i felt. It had just about everything i wanted to get from it, with little extras here or there. I think the idea of going episodic helped it too, which is why i'd love to see some kind of revival of the series if ever the possibility arises. But yeah, look forward to part 2!