Coming to you direct from space prison, it's...
NB707 - "Teleporting Psychic Vampires in Space!" The Films of Yoshiaki Kawajiri Pt.1
00.00 – Intro – Yakitori (Yoko Kanno)
02.22 – "City on Fire": 1987-1991 - Burning World (Hidemi Miura)
In this first installment of our retrospective on action director extraordinaire, Yoshiaki Kawajiri, we walk softly and carry a wooden sword to investigate the 'city trilogy' of Wicked City, Demon City Shinjuku and Cyber City Oedo 808. Anyone who suggests having the word 'city' in the title is not sufficient grounds to call something a trilogy, will automatically have fifty years added to their sentence.
Followed by: "I May Be In Love With You" (Hidemi Miura)
1.01.24 – Closing – Forces (Susumu Hirasawa)
Massive thanks as always to daichi383 for his work on the edit. We're also still looking for additional audio editors, so if you are the true successor of Audioshin-ken, we'd love to hear from you. It would help us get the episodes out that bit quicker.
The show is available on itunes by clicking here or searching the iTunes store for Nakama Britannica
NB707 - "Teleporting Psychic Vampires in Space!" The Films of Yoshiaki Kawajiri Pt.1
00.00 – Intro – Yakitori (Yoko Kanno)
02.22 – "City on Fire": 1987-1991 - Burning World (Hidemi Miura)
In this first installment of our retrospective on action director extraordinaire, Yoshiaki Kawajiri, we walk softly and carry a wooden sword to investigate the 'city trilogy' of Wicked City, Demon City Shinjuku and Cyber City Oedo 808. Anyone who suggests having the word 'city' in the title is not sufficient grounds to call something a trilogy, will automatically have fifty years added to their sentence.
Followed by: "I May Be In Love With You" (Hidemi Miura)
1.01.24 – Closing – Forces (Susumu Hirasawa)
Massive thanks as always to daichi383 for his work on the edit. We're also still looking for additional audio editors, so if you are the true successor of Audioshin-ken, we'd love to hear from you. It would help us get the episodes out that bit quicker.
The show is available on itunes by clicking here or searching the iTunes store for Nakama Britannica