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Episode 7

Peco is undergoing his transformation into a hero. The club really shows how much they don't take table tennis seriously by messing about, but I get the feeling the captain dude with the funny hair does actually listen to Smile sometimes.

Apparently in Table Tennis the coach => student relationship is defined by love. More love = better coaching.

Despite their best efforts to coax him, Smile won't be moved, it sounds very much like he's staying put where he is.

Peco has moved onto the next level of training beyond the obaa-chan, and is re-imagining how he plays table tennis from the ground up, he's not even holding a bat for a while here.

Yurie making chocolate table tennis bats was fun :)

Sanada wastes no time in trying to poach Yurie, at this point does Kazama even care? He's off in table tennis land and seems disinterested.

Man I'd pay money to see Smile actually smile, even a random joke here or there should do it.

Pecos' whole family being clones  🤣

I can kind of see where things are heading, and in a way I hope I am wrong. Peco has a knee injury (much like the senseis opponent from his story) and Smile likes to let people win, again much like sensei. I hope we don't end up with Smile letting Peco win despite his knee injury, it would be both too convenient and also too obvious at outcome.

Glad you liked it :D

I like the characters mostly, but I don't really always get their motives behind what they do. As I mentioned before I dislike Smile letting people win, and I think Peco is far too cocky for his own good for example. But on the whole I think we have some interesting characters here.

I would agree with you, you like what you like. Sometimes I watch stuff and it just doesn't click with me.
