Persona 4 Anime licensed by Sentai filmworks.


Earlier today, Sentai Filmworks announced that they have licensed the upcoming Persona 4 anime for both digital distribution&nbsp;"soon through several digital outlets"&nbsp;and DVD and Blu-Ray Releases next year.&nbsp; You can find some background on the series over on the&nbsp;<a href="">ANN</a> article for this
Who dubbed the P4 game? Quick googling says PCB Productions.

Don't think they do anime, but it would be cool if they used those guys.

If not, at the very least, try and get all the VA's from the game.
kaze_andrew said:
Reaper gI said:
There goes any chance of it being available here lawfully any time soon.

Never say never...
Sir, You best be truth-hood saying. I dont' think I want Kazé on the list for something as relatively minor as getting my hopes up of Kazé saving Persona 4 from it's horrible Zombie ADV fate only for you to go "nah, just joshin'".

That's a Padlin' if ever there was one.
According to reports from Sentai's AWA panel, they are actively looking into getting the game dub actors for their release.

Oh, and they also picked up Kaminomi/Soremachi/Akikan/TowaNoQuon. I will be buying three of these (as well as Persona no doubt) :D
