Peep Show


The new series aired on Channel 4 last week, and episode 2 is on tonight. I can't wait. With the other series I just watched them if I happened to be channel surfing. This time I'm watching it to follow it. Last week's episode was pretty damn funny as expected.

Anyone else watching/going to watch it?
Yeah i've been waiting for ages for this Season. Last weeks was OK. lawling at the burnt down building. it usually takes until the end of the season till you realize how good it actually was.
I managed to avoid peep show for years and have only recently got into it as I rented series 1 from my local library, I loved it instantly and am gonna have to go back and rent series 2 soon before I can even think about starting on series 3
Loving this series, have been also watching all of series 2 and 3 on Virgin Media On Demand and I have to say it only gets better with age, Mitchell and Webb have really got the chemisty between them down cold
Well the fourth season is well and truly over, as a whole it was very funny. Some of their moments crack me up, For example; The flipping of a coin to marry and Jez pissing in a church. Also the exploding of a barn etc.

Sorta wraps up the shows humor
Jeremy: I don't need to pay money to join a gym. The world is my gym. The hills, the trees, the rivers - they are my gym.
Mark: Yeah, well the world is my gym too. It's just the bit of it that's actually a gym, that's going to be my gym.