PC to TV Connection


Vampire Ninja
Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone knew anything about connecting a Pc graphics card to a TV via scart cables? I found one thing that could help [Click Here] but im not sure whether this kind of thing would work or not, anyone got any ideas?
It'll depend on what kind of output your graphics card has.

An s-video output is a round black socket with some holes in the middle for pins. A 'composite' output is a round socket with a single big hole in the middle and is usually yellow. If it's got either of those, then you can use the adaptor that you posted the link to.

If not, you're either going to need a new graphics card or a fancy box that will take a monitor cable in and have a TV cable out.

Hope that helps! (I'm actually doing this kind of thing for a media PC I'm building)
Well i just checked mine and its a black socket with a few holes on it, so im geussing its an s-video type. Any idea where i can buy one of these cables?

Just had another look around and i found this [Click Here]is it those kind of cables i need?
I tried it a while ago and unless you have a decent tv (lcd recommended) and a high powered graphics card it really isn't worth wasting your money
I have that setup in the other room. I have no idea how to do it though, a friend came over and fixed it up for me. Fansubs look incredibly better on a TV than they do on a PC. :p

Also the TV is a couple of years old so it doesn't have to be that good.
WTFDaveMustaine said:
Fansubs look incredibly better on a TV than they do on a PC. :p

Exactly what i want it for! Would be so much easier than sitting in my stupidly uncomfortable computer chair. If anyone can give a link to the cable i would need i would appreciate it.
That's part of the reason why I'm building a whole new computer, lol. Plus, it'll be my Freeview box/HDD/DVD recorder/music jukebox/kitchen sink blah blah blah...
42" 1080p fansubs look gorgeous. I achieved it using my Sony Vaio XL100 media centre PC (its 2005r's model, so you can pick it up quite cheap if you search for it). HDMI output to my TV, bingo. Not a single sign of pixellation on any fansubs at that size either.

It gets better.

As my PC is a meda centre one, I can just sit back & flick through anime & other shows using the remote, just as if I were watching a DVD. :D

Very win indeed.
Mutsumi said:
42" 1080p fansubs look gorgeous. I achieved it using my Sony Vaio XL100 media centre PC (its 2005r's model, so you can pick it up quite cheap if you search for it). HDMI output to my TV, bingo. Not a single sign of pixellation on any fansubs at that size either.

It gets better.

As my PC is a meda centre one, I can just sit back & flick through anime & other shows using the remote, just as if I were watching a DVD. :D

Very win indeed.

Stop it your making me drool
www.tvcables.co.uk have good prices and I have used them a few times with no problems at all, the more you spend on a s-video cable the better as with any interconnect (fancy term used for audio leads etc) detoriation of signal can happen with the cheaper and longer ones. No special software is needed these day's as both the ATI Catalyst and the nvidia unified drivers include tools for setting it up.
On a note about hardware needed most modern graphics cards have no problems at all. You dont need a high powered machine or a brand new TV at all. One thing to remember is that S-video doesnt take audio with it so you will need to plug your soundcard into speakers etc.
Taylor said:
Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone knew anything about connecting a Pc graphics card to a TV via scart cables? I found one thing that could help [Click Here] but im not sure whether this kind of thing would work or not, anyone got any ideas?

I would just advise buying a HDTV. As having your computer connected to your TV it ain't going to look all that great as it lacks the power of computer designed screens or HDTVs.

So just do what Mutsumi did, that's what I did anyway, but not such a large TV as I actually have to use mine as a computer screen for typing stuff and the large size doesn't help. Using either VGA or HDMI you'll achieve a better overall picture than if you were using scart or s-video on a normal TV
Zen 2nd said:
I would just advise buying a HDTV. As having your computer connected to your TV it ain't going to look all that great as it lacks the power of computer designed screens or HDTVs.
Fansubs via a HDTV look like crap by the way. On the setup via normal TV they look fantastic.
Sy said:
Zen 2nd said:
I would just advise buying a HDTV. As having your computer connected to your TV it ain't going to look all that great as it lacks the power of computer designed screens or HDTVs.
Fansubs via a HDTV look like crap by the way. On the setup via normal TV they look fantastic.

You must have bought/seen it on a crap HDTV then, as they look fantastic on my HDTV.
Zen 2nd said:
Sy said:
Zen 2nd said:
I would just advise buying a HDTV. As having your computer connected to your TV it ain't going to look all that great as it lacks the power of computer designed screens or HDTVs.
Fansubs via a HDTV look like crap by the way. On the setup via normal TV they look fantastic.

You must have bought/seen it on a crap HDTV then, as they look fantastic on my HDTV.

No need to own a HDTV thats less than 1080p, Otherwise its a waste and on occasion, Can look worse than a SD (IMO).

The reason they may look crap on ya TV is because you've converted/burned/etc the file(s) wrongly.
You're kidding? On HDTV's any pixelation or colour washes are more clearly visable.

I won't buy a HDTV for myself right now becuase I see absolutely no advantages in them except that they make my DVD's look more like they've been downloaded off of stage6. I'd hardly call that an advantage though. More like a swift kick in the balls.
Sy said:
You're kidding? On HDTV's any pixelation or colour washes are more clearly visable.

I won't buy a HDTV for myself right now becuase I see absolutely no advantages in them except that they make my DVD's look more like they've been downloaded off of stage6. I'd hardly call that an advantage though. More like a swift kick in the balls.

If you play console games/ PC games HDTVs are a must. Otherwise live in ignorant bliss.