Otaku USA Opinion


Since reading Neo magazine during my college days and having an annual subscription to it, I always aspired to someday subscribe to its, older, better written, genetically modified brother "Newtype USA". Now we all know the situation with Newtype and it was a dam shame they stopped publishing the magazine. So after slowly making my way back to reading Neo, I couldn’t believe that they'd actually made the magazine worse, with cheaper "newsprint" quality paper, slimed it out and charged a mind tangling, £4.25?! After being greatly disappointed (yet again) with Neo, I began looking around for another paper based fix of otaku news until I noticed "Otaku USA" magazine.
Has anyone read this or subscribe to it? What's the writing like? (i.e. does it dumb it down for 10 year old narutards) and If you do have a subscription where can I get one?

Kind regards,
Obnoxious Neo hater.
Yes, definitely worth reading imo. As with Steve Martin films, the wise Chinese monkey rule should be "If Surat writes, it can't be shite". Plus it's edited by Patrick mofo-ing Macias.
I'd say Otaku USA is targetted at the slightly older, slightly more cynical anime fan. It has some well-written articles and reviews; have a look at the official site for an idea. You can also get a sub from there ($32 for 6 issues) or set up a standing order with United Publications.

I hated Newtype USA. Its reviews read more like adverts.
I'd say Otaku USA is targetted at the slightly older, slightly more cynical anime fan.

I'd second that...this is further backed up by them having two thirds of the Anime World Order crew and Mike Tool on the writing staff, so it's got great writing. Have to say I personally loved NTUSA but it was for the artwork not the writing..
christor said:
I'd say Otaku USA is targetted at the slightly older, slightly more cynical anime fan.

I'd second that...this is further backed up by them having two thirds of the Anime World Order crew and Mike Tool on the writing staff, so it's got great writing. Have to say I personally loved NTUSA but it was for the artwork not the writing..

After looking up the writers, i'm quite impressed by the backing it has, considering the writer's previous works. As for NTUSA writing, it was heaps better than Neo which is aimed at 12 year olds (meme anyone?) who are just reading it to see when their next action packed naruto or bleach dvd would land at their local HMV. Anything is better than than subscribing to that!

...oh and i've contacted UP to set up a subscription to Otaku USA, quite friendly and responcive with their emails :)