oh hell yeah. GUITAR HERO!


Dandy Guy, in Space
Guitar hero comes out on friday the 7th of April (this coming friday)

On some levels it could be described as Guitar freaks for the PAL terretories, However In play style ond overall design it is quite different. It does come with a rather leet guitar controller (using the classic gibson SG design), tha uses a combination of fret buttons, a pick bar and a whammie bar. The play style is rather similar to DDR, in that notes come towards the screen on five colored tracks (one for each fret button) and, as in DDR, you have to match the symbol as it reaches the marker.

The star mode feature is pretty neat. When you get whatever it is you need to get (I haven't figured it out yet >.<) to activate it, You can tilt the neck vertically, and watch your points skyrocket!!

/Blatant advertising over

I was just wondering if anyone else is looking forward to this release.
I am. A couple of guys at work brought in the American version, and it very much rocks. Like Donkey Konga and Samba de Amigo, but much cooler. If you want it though, be quick - it's one of those games that's going to disappear quickly, at least until stocks pick up again in a few months.
Picked it up on Saturday, spent the whole weekend playing it, and now I'm at work with the songs stuck in my head, wishing I was playing it. It's been entirely too long since a game's had this kind of hold on me - totally worth it. :D

Anyone else rocking out?
Bark at the moon will drive me to Insanity, I swear it. I currently have two bands going at the moment, one is my 'Serious' one. the other was a joke file I created to test out some of the other characters, however I seem to have gotten further in the game, better ratings and better scores with my joke band.

Quite pleased with myself as I can nail "I wanna be sedated" on hard with a 223 note streak :D

Long live guitar hero