Nintendo to release new DS

I'm still using a first generation DS and still see no real reason to upgrade (especially without GBA capabilities!).

I heard about this on Thursday and instantly decided I'd get it, even if I have the first gen version.

Apart from the obvious competition from Apple's iPhone, they're also probably doing this to tackle the illegal home-brew software that gives the DS storage and emulation capabilites. Good move to be honest, not to mention a nice way to milk what's already the best selling console in the world.
Rui said:
I'm still using a first generation DS and still see no real reason to upgrade (especially without GBA capabilities!).


Same here :p Of course Nintendo have seemingly forgotten about the DS games that actually use that GBA slot (thinking mainly of Guitar Hero but i know of others) That said these new features won't make me rush out and upgrade, i'll just keep my DS till Nintendo decided to unveil the successor to the DS
Rui said:
I'm still using a first generation DS and still see no real reason to upgrade (especially without GBA capabilities!).


Im also on first gen but my battery is ******. What about yours?
I have a first gen DS, and my battery is fine. Mine's just a bit battered and covered in stickers ^_^

I've discussed this so many times lol, so I'm going to be lazy and copy and paste from another forum I replied to.

I like the camera because I don't have a camera phone, I do have a camera but it's too big to carry around unless I have a specific reason too. So for when I'm bored during my break at Uni it would be fun to have to annoy my friends with lol

I don't mind not having a GBA slot, because I don't play that many GBA games, plus I have a GBA and will be keeping my DS. Also when they made the GBA they didn't make it compatible with a few GB games, the DS isn't compatible with any GB games either and people complained about that. So having the new DSi not be compatible with GBA isn't new, nor a particularly big deal really.

I really like the idea of being able to download games and hopefully the Wifi will be better because my DS won't let me connect ;_;

I think it's a little annoying that it can't hold MP3s, but I don't mind converting things really, I love my Zen Mirco, but it I only have to carry a DSi in my bag for Uni and everyday, rather than my DS, MP3 player, headphones, purse, umbrella, books, pens, drink, camera etc then that's great.

I can see what people are saying about the DSi not being aimed at 'real' gamers, and people who want a fashion accesory are more likely to buy it. But I don't see that as a problem, it's good for Nintendo. I'll be buying it for the reasons I said above. I'm just glad they havn't decided to make a totally new software format that would mean new games.
It seems like Nintendo is adopting Sony's approach to handheld gaming platforms (i.e: including other entertainment capabilities). I doubt I'll be upgrading from my DS Lite; the camera is pretty cool, but I already have a portable camera in my phone and my PSP does everything the DSi does and then some. That said, I know I'll be tempted to pick one up once they're released :]

It's good to see Nintendo include more capabilities with their products. I wonder if we'll see them take this kind of approach with another version of the Wii?
Spyro201 said:
Im also on first gen but my battery is ******. What about yours?

Mine's still working fine (I use it daily on my commute!). But then my first generation iPod's battery is still ok too. I must have some kind of magic touch.

No doubt both will start getting worse now I've made this post!

My DS is still the first generation one, works 100% fine, like the day it was bought. I did think about getting one of the newer DS models, but then thoguht against it since mine is still working.

The only real appeal this DSi has for me is the fact that the audio is set to be of higher quality, and there was something else mentioned that peaked my interest as well which i forget.
CitizenGeek said:
It seems like Nintendo is adopting Sony's approach to handheld gaming platforms (i.e: including other entertainment capabilities). I doubt I'll be upgrading from my DS Lite - I think I'll just get the PSP 3000 instead.

It's good to see Nintendo include more capabilities with their products. I wonder if we'll see them take this kind of approach with another version of the Wii?

I wouldn't put it past them in the long run i mean they are already set to release another add on for the controller next year so it has better motion control (it's getting released bundled with the Wii Sports Resorts game) though if that's the case i think i'll just wait it out till a Wii 2 comes out, assuming one does of course

@Sypro My original DS battery is working fine as well and i've had mine since launch
Games > Accessories.

And, seeing how my 1st gen ds will play the same games, then I don't care! :d Also, the other accessories don't really appeal to me because I'd rather save up for an ipod touch which seems, to me, way more cool :p
It seems to gadgety with the camera. No gba slot either. I wonder how it'll deal with the inevitable piracy what with the sd card and all.

Also my origional ds is still running fine (except for a tempremental touch screen).
Rui said:
Spyro201 said:
Im also on first gen but my battery is ******. What about yours?

Mine's still working fine (I use it daily on my commute!). But then my first generation iPod's battery is still ok too. I must have some kind of magic touch.

No doubt both will start getting worse now I've made this post!


Thats a bitch on my part. Mine lasts 5 hours then needs a charge. It sounds like you use yours more than I do mine too. Sucks ass I tell you.
I'm glad they're region locking it this time. I really hate getting games earlier and cheaper, and I especially hate buying games that aren't (and probably never will be) available here...if only the DS was region locked, I wouldn't have had to buy Jump Ultimate Stars.

I hope Nintendo's head office gets buried with crappy brain/pet games.
rick said:
they're also probably doing this to tackle the illegal home-brew software that gives the DS storage and emulation capabilites..
Doing what? Most modern devices of this type use the DS Card slot, and Nintendo are adding a SD Card slot to the DSi. I would have thought that will just increase the threat of piracy, and getting rid of the GBA slot may even cause the development of software GBA emulation, something the homebrewers have seen as pointless until now since the GBA hardware was already on the board.