Nintendo Direct Round Up


Monsieur Monster
AUKN Staff

Nintendo hosted another Nintendo Direct session today. The Japanese and European (which was just the Japanese one but subbed) have been shown. Quite a few details were confirmed (the article details them), but here are the big ones:

- Kid Icarus: Uprising online multiplayer detailed, as was StreetPass and SpotPass functionality.
- Mario Tennis Open confirmed for Japanese release on 24th May; Europe on 25th May.
- Fire Emblem: Awakening confirmed for EU release.
- Banpresto, Namco Bandai, Sega and Capcom working on a mysterious 3DS game!

The American Nintendo Direct will be happening later today.
Yeah, all three have happened now. I missed ours because of work, which annoyed me. Fire Emblem being confirmed for EU was the best piece of news to come from that. I have to say. Huge fan of the series.

What has got me thinking, and i expect it will do for a good time is, Banpresto(aka, those guys that make the Super Robot Taisen series), Namco-Bandai, Sega AND Capcom are making a game together? Now that could be the greatest thing ever, or the worst combination. I can see it working so well if they go for some kind of SRT mish-mash, but then i could see it spiral down to hell if capcom suggest cutting content for DLC cash. Ahhh, i need to see where this goes.
Max Takeshi said:
Both Fatal Frame games are to be released in Europe, too. Good news (even if one is a port. No matter - Crimson Butterfly was excellent. Mostly.)

I knew Crimson Butterfly was set for here, but by the other one, do you mean the one set for 3DS, or the one that went onto Wii a couple years back but we never heard of again?
Arbalest said:
Max Takeshi said:
Both Fatal Frame games are to be released in Europe, too. Good news (even if one is a port. No matter - Crimson Butterfly was excellent. Mostly.)

I knew Crimson Butterfly was set for here, but by the other one, do you mean the one set for 3DS, or the one that went onto Wii a couple years back but we never heard of again?

Ah, of course. Yes, the 3DS one. Sadly it seems 4 will never be released over here.