Ninja Scroll 2?

The first Ninja Scroll is very good at what it does (i.e. mindless violence in great style)...if the original director is involved in the sequel I can see it turning out to be quite entertaining.

I've long since lost interest in the NGE live-action - the animated Rebuild movies seem to be doing the job of revisiting the franchise just fine...with many of the original creative team on board.
I agree about eva and i also think that unless all of those name changes the characters and plot don't happen, it wouldn't be generally well recieved by the fanbase.
Martin said:
The first Ninja Scroll is very good at what it does (i.e. mindless violence in great style)...if the original director is involved in the sequel I can see it turning out to be quite entertaining.

I've long since lost interest in the NGE live-action - the animated Rebuild movies seem to be doing the job of revisiting the franchise just fine...with many of the original creative team on board.

That about sums up my thoughts. :D
I actually liked the series and the movie very much. Guess I just like everything, so my opinion should be disregarded... ;)
I was never a fan of the first one, I admit it has its fans, yes....but it never really appealed to me in the way other stuff has. Now I view it as a bit of a problem....because it just promotes the view of anime as violent porn cartoons.

Sad...but probably true.
Kendarr said:
sanji no 1 said:
Didnt like the first ninja scroll


First ninja scroll was brilliant! didnt rate the series much though!

My thoughts are the opposite, didn't really rate the film but enjoyed the series. The film sex scenes are just ridiculous, hardly needed and like Mr Chom said it promotes the stereotypical view on anime. Saying that it wasn't too bad and apart from that factor i enjoyed it, so bring on a 2nd.
I'm looking forward in seeing Ninja Scroll 2 as I very much love the first film. I hope that Manga Entertainment release Ninja Scroll 2 on DVD in the UK soon.

Ok the Ninja Scroll movie was a work of art and groundbreaking at the time. eah so there are about 3 sexual scenes in the movie, at a push 4, you hardly see anything anyway, so I would'nt blame Ninja Scroll in any way for the disdain and stereotypical view on anime.

As for the series, I finished it last night and I did actually enjoy it. The voice acters are all different from the movie but Jubei is still your cocky arrogant swordsman and to be honest, its portrayed really well in the series. Yes the vouice acting is very wooden in parts but the action is pretty good, every episode has action in it so smiles all round and the sexual content is very dulled down. I think alot of people were put off by the TV Series from the very first episode 10 minutes in, a crazy looking guy with a pink umbrella. Yeah I agree, it was ridiculous and the voice acting was horrible, finish the episode and its actually a very good anime indeed.

Ninja Scroll 2 would be excellent IMO, as long as its NOT called Ninja Scroll 2 :p
Wierd they'd do a sequel to Ninja Scroll after all this time, but hey I'm happy - the original was mindless action but it did it well.

As for NGE Live action, part of me hopes it never gets off the ground. It seems that most of it works well specifically because it's animation, they'd have to do something clever to make it work in live action. Who knows, I'll try to remain optomistic for now.