Nickelodeon confirm their first ever Japanese co-productions


Ghost of Animes
Nickelodeon have recently announced that they intend to co-produce a 26 episode (each episode being 2 minutes in length) series based on a strange-looking 10 year old Japanese TV mascot called Domo-kun.

In addition to this, Nickelodeon are also going to be funding an animated series based a Japanese graphical novel series called Akihabara@Deep; a "cyber" detective story that is said to combine strong elements comedy, action and drama.<ul class="menu">"We're excited to be announcing these critical developments and will continue to work with local producers, both as creative and syndication partners, to establish Nickelodeon as a global platform for Japanese animation," commented Steve Grieder, the senior VP of Nickelodeon International. "We have a long-term commitment to invest in new creative content from Japan like Domo-kun and Akihabara, two stunningly original projects, and we look forward to helping expand the influence Japan has in the kids' entertainment arena even further around the world."</ul>Read the full press release. Source: UK Anime.