Stand User

This is round up off all the interesting info and question that have been answered by Manga UK on their twitter feed. While there are no real surprises or major news worthy of separate topic, there still something that may interest you.
Manga have no plans to release the Street fighter OVA included with Street Fighter 4 game on to DVD.
The not sure that they will ever release Naruto to Blu-Ray but will see what Viz does. But as far as they are concern no HD master = No Blu-Ray release.
RIN Daughters of Mnemosyne will not be released on Blu-Ray.
They are asking if any would want to buy Ghost in the Shell complication films: The Laughing Man & Individual Eleven on Blu-Ray. If so, how much would you be willing to pay?
Their first DVD print runs on anime titles range from 500 to 10,000 copies...
... Blu-Rays have minimum Print orders of 3,000.
Naruto Shippuden is actually licensed from TVTOKYO and not sublicense from VIZ. The Subs are created by Madman.
No plans for a Soul Eater Complete Series DVD Box Set yet but likely for one to be released next year.