New Transformers cartoon rumor


Stand User
Cartoon Network's program schedule for 2007 leaked this week over at ToonTalk. Among the series listed for the fall 2007 skew is a show called Transformers: Heroes, which is being produced by CN Studios. The listing states:

"The Transformers are back! Arriving on Earth of the future, where robots are common place as humanity's servant class. But Earth's robots have a secret that may doom humanity and their unlikely Autobot saviors."

The listing called for 26 episodes, which is a standard CN order for a first season. This jibes with Aaron Archer's comments last Botcon that the next TF cartoon would be produced in the US again.

Found on Seibertron, it says that the new series is kinda the way of other shows, (I.E Ninja Turtles flash forward, turtles in the future)

The series is called "Transformers Heroes" it is set in the future where the Autobots have come to earth, but this isnt new to humans because they have Robot servants, but there is something wrong with them.

It is scheduled for 2007 and is going to be made in america
It wouldn't surprise me if there was a new cartoon to go along with the movie, it's probably gonna follow the same style of storyline and share the movies hype
These rumors have been around since late 2005. But really If anything I have the feeling the next show would be made by Paramount/Nickolodeon for the fact that their handling this Movie. But my feelings have been wrong many times.

Also that US again made show isn't true, as no Transformers Show has been made completely in the US. G1 was animated in Korea/Japan, while written and Voice Acted in the US, Most of Beast Wars/Beast Machines stuff was Canadian as the VA acted in Canada, Animated in Canada etc. The rest have been dubs of Japanese Shows.

TBH I hope this is false. There is going to be too much Transformers toys on the Shelves in 07, We'll have the remaining Cybertron Figures, Alternators, Beast Wars Xth Anniversary, Movie Anniversary, Classics, Titanuims, Star Wars Transformers, and the upcoming Movie Toys.
sigh why can't CN work on something decent like a new series of teen titans :(

(Thats not a shot at transformers, but they should leave the show to people who know how to do it)
Teen Titians are over because If I recall CN didn't want so much DC stuff as they had Justice League, Class Of the Titians and such.