New Naruto anime TV series to begin in early 2007


Ghost of Animes
<p>After almost two years of waiting, Naruto fans can celebrate the fact that the anime TV series will <a href="">finally return</a> to the manga story line in early 2007. Going under the new title "Naruto Shippuuden" (Naruto ~ Hurricane Legend), this new series is expected to begin after a two year jump in the story (fans of shounen anime will remember how Dragonball transitioned to Dragonball Z with a similar jump in time).

The Naruto TV series, one of the most popular anime series in the world, has been producing a slew of much criticized original stories (also known as "filler") since May 2005; starting at episode 136 and still running at episode 210 - fans have been desperate for a return to <a href="">Masashi Kishimoto's</a> acclaimed manga storyline for a long time.</p>
About time! :) Still - February seems years away at the moment. I can't believe the filler has been running for nearly two years; it doesn't seem that long, but then, I haven't really been watching it either.

I can't wait to get back to the real story, real character development and hopefully some awesome action.
I may be tempted to check this out. Just as Sasuke was getting interesting he went away and the fillers kicked in.
ITS ABOUT TIME....... although haven't we been told this over and over and over again, sorry to sound pesimistic (I know I can't spell) but I'll believe it when I see it
I'd lol if they actually said it was delayed again. >_>

Oh well, Naruto II is actually good compared to Naruto, get ready for DBZ with Ninjas... with plot-line.
But, Has naruto proved to be a sucess, because they must be really good to carry on in the UK.

I hope it suceeds, More anime heaven for UK.
Are we saved!? Are we!? No more fillers!? Can that be promised!? x.x There are so many awsome new characters, I cant wait to see them in the anime ^_^