New manga releases on main page?

Moved here since it's not really news!

This is way out of my area but I think it's a bit harder to keep track of manga releases since most are US imports coming from loads of different publishers, whereas the anime releases are all the UK-specific discs coming out locally. There are some pretty good US release schedules already from the big overseas websites and our focus tends to be on UK material.

Anyway, I'm sure the team will advise once they see.

Ian Wolf said:
I was wondering why we don't mention new manga releases on the main page. After all, we mention new Anime releases.

Interesting idea, I will do a trial run thread the next time Manga is scheduled to be released, which is 11th October. I will use as a base for the releases dates, it will probably lead to a lot of error with wrong dates and missing titles. But I can't see a much better up to date Manga release schedule anywhere else.

It will have to be basic post though with no pictures included as it will take up too much front page space. As there is something like 36 manga books coming out between 11-18th of October! :eek:
I was going to say. The two reasons that come to mind that this hasn't been implimented yet is the shear number of releases per week alongside the fact that they aren't exactly "UK" releases. Though in many respects, i guess they can be called western releases? A fair few do have more than just the US price tag on the back of them so...yeah.

I'm happy with the idea of a trial run like Neferpitou suggested, so we can certainly see how it pans out, and work it out from there.