Issue 3 of MAME is out now; this is only UK based anime and manga fanzine we know of. Costing just £2 (including postage and packaging), this hefty new edition contains:<ul class="menu">"FAN SCENE HIGHLIGHTS, the anime and manga revolution is upon us, here we list some of the major UK events that have been happening during our hiatus. COMICS by Claire Sears, Andy Marc & Rebecca McCarthy, and Sonia Leong! ARTICLES on Shojo Beat by Laura Watton, the London Expo by Rebecca McCarthy, and Ayacon 5 by Scott Johnson. PLUS Reviews on anime, fanzines and a short interview with Kat Herning from the IMAF team!"</ul>If this sounds worth reading, head on over to the MAME website for a free preview and to order yourself a copy via PayPal.