New Fist of the North Star


Guild Member
Okay, so it's really difficult to get any information on this series. I have no idea where it fits in with the original Fist of the North Star series, or whether it's a remake, or whether it's even any good.

So, once again, I ask you, AUKN masses, for information!

k, thnx!
From what I've heard from a reliable source (Sy) The original Fist of the North Star is by far better. Its a lot harder to get a hold of though. As for the New Fist, Its a OVA series of some sort. Gackt apparently does the Openings and Endings so thats a partial tick in the right boxes for me. Don't really like the character designs though.
The original movie is the best imo. The series is good in a 'it's so bad it's good' kind of way. New Fist of the North Star didn't seem to relate to the original series much. It's the same main character, but all the other regular cast are missing so you don't really need to have watched the older stuff first.

I thought it was alright, but considering its hyperviolent roots I thought it was quite thin on action. If you see the set at a reasonable price it's not too bad.
Is New Fist of the North Star any good? Well lets just say that it lacks a certain charm that made the original series so watchable and thats all the original series really had going for it.
So the general consenus is negative?

Oh well, I'll cross it off my list, then. Thing is, it's going for €21 on and I thought it might be a bargain - thanks for saving me the money, guys! ;]