The ending theme for Paradise Kiss, the latest anime series from Madhouse Studios that is set to debut in Japan this autumn, has been chosen to be "DO YOU WANT TO" by famous Scottish indie-rock band Franz Ferdinand.
Unit 0 said:That will be quite cool, I wonder what the band think
Paul said:Unit 0 said:That will be quite cool, I wonder what the band think
I was thinking the same thing. Do you think they even had to make the decision or was it just a record company thing? Either way, it should be an interesting combination... Speed Grapher (series from GONZO) did it with Duran Duran "Girls on Film" and it turned out being quite fun!
Really? I don't remember that...Daedalus668 said:And Ghost in the Shell did have One Minute Warning by U2 over the ending credits, as far as I remember.