With sub-£100 unlocked / unlockable / region A BD players long available, why anyone would remain trapped in region B remains a mystery to me. If you're prepared to invest in an HDTV and BDs, a little extra for another BD player is hardly going to break the bank.
Like many, I bought Vols 1 & 2 originally, stuck them on eBay after 3-5 were cancelled and imported Funi's instead. The resumption of single volume releases seemed bizarre at the time they were announced (especially when a cheaper, collected set was also announced at the same time). As Mangaranga says, now that it's two sets and more expensive the entire situation seems bizarre. If license agreements really do have a part to play in the change in release strategy, I have to wonder if Manga actually read the agreements they sign or whether they're just easily pushed around by the licensor. If it's entirely Manga's decision, it strikes me as a very odd one.