Joshawott said:
I've owned Solid State Society on DVD for years, so I'm going to need some convincing before I upgrade to BD.
I had a
review of it earlier this week, if you can excuse me blowing me own trumpet.
I don't think it was a native 1080 animation, so it didn't appear to be a mega sharp BD upgrade visually. The compression artefacts are gone, the colour definition is better, no jaggies, and no colour banding, while the image does pop off the screen more. A couple of visual issues on the DVD are present on the BD, leading me to think it's a source material problem, not a transfer thing. It's about as good as the Eden of the East movies.
The biggest grin-inducer is the audio, which in TrueHD is awesome. That's where the big upgrade is. The best thing about the BD is that it fixes the subtitle errors that were on the DVD, which for a sub fan like me makes it a must upgrade. For dub fans, you also get a little extra, in that the BD has a signs only track, to go with the English dub.
The extras are all the same as that on the 2-disc DVD, and this time they are all soft subbed. Half of them, including the Uchikomatic Days short are in HD, the rest are upscaled. The subtitle storyboard track has been dropped for the BD. (It was crap on the DVD).