Ian Wolf Mushi-shi AUKN Staff 16 February 2014 #1 New anime releases this week: Bleach: Series 12, Part 3 (DVD) (Manga via Kaze) RRP: £24.99 Buy from Amazon for £15.66 Infinite Stratos (DVD) (MVM Films) RRP: £29.99 Buy from Amazon for £17.55 One Piece: Collection 5 (DVD) (Manga Entertainment) RRP: £34.99 Buy from Amazon for £22.66
New anime releases this week: Bleach: Series 12, Part 3 (DVD) (Manga via Kaze) RRP: £24.99 Buy from Amazon for £15.66 Infinite Stratos (DVD) (MVM Films) RRP: £29.99 Buy from Amazon for £17.55 One Piece: Collection 5 (DVD) (Manga Entertainment) RRP: £34.99 Buy from Amazon for £22.66
NormanicGrav Quintessential Grav AUKN Staff 16 February 2014 #4 Cities of Gold Season 2 and the live-action Rurouni Kenshin movie are also arriving on the 17th.
Kite Pokémon Master 16 February 2014 #6 Probably getting Infinite Stratos, already got One Piece (R1 boxset) and have no interest in Bleach.
BanzaiJedi Pokémon Master 16 February 2014 #7 I'll probably get IS at some point. No interest in Bleach or OP.
S sanji no 1 Vampire Ninja 16 February 2014 #8 Weirdly my copy of One Piece collection 5 arrived today. Have no idea why today and not on Monday. Proper baffled
Weirdly my copy of One Piece collection 5 arrived today. Have no idea why today and not on Monday. Proper baffled
M mangaman74 Akatsuki 17 February 2014 #9 Nothing for me this week. I am getting the live-action Rurouni Kenshin movie bd steelbook though.
Peachy Bumpkin 17 February 2014 #10 Waiting for full Bleach collection. IS & One Piece eventually. Gutted IS isn't on Blu ray.
Kite Pokémon Master 17 February 2014 #11 You will probably have a long wait for a complete Bleach collection to be released, if any is released at all.
You will probably have a long wait for a complete Bleach collection to be released, if any is released at all.
Peachy Bumpkin 17 February 2014 #12 Kite said: You will probably have a long wait for a complete Bleach collection to be released, if any is released at all. Click to expand... Oh, I meant the season collections, not the entire run : P
Kite said: You will probably have a long wait for a complete Bleach collection to be released, if any is released at all. Click to expand... Oh, I meant the season collections, not the entire run : P