New Anime Releases 08/09/2014

Received Karneval Complete Series (Blu-ray) last week.

Already own the US Blu-ray release of Arcana Famiglia.

Not interested in One Piece.
I have the JP version of Karneval and the US BD of Arcana Famiglia already, so no reason to purchase the local editions.

I'd be tempted by the One Piece if it wasn't a PAL DVD. That and the fear of defects keeps me away from Manga UK releases.

Nothing for me this week, though getting very tempted by the reviews for the Hosada One Piece film (have no interest in One Piece aside from that)
Karveval is an eventual buy at sometime next year.

-Danielle- said:
Tempted for Karneval as it's on my list anywho.

What's Arcana Famiglia like?

Not seen it but I haven't heard great things about it. Might be worth a "I've got nothing to watch, lets try it on MVM's Deal of the week" though.
Ooooooh I'd love if they shoved that as a future DOTW.

As I put in another thread, with what's potentially left on the MVM site to be a DOTW, there's officially nothing left on there I like unless they re-release some past DOTW they've had that I've missed the opportunity to buy.

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