New Anime Releases 05/12/2011: Robotech & K-on

K-On: I'll wait for the bd boxset (region A or B)

Robotech: Not interested. I got the first series sometime ago and thought it was a rubbish. I don't intend on wasting any more time or money on this.
K-ON 3 is already with me. Decided I couldn't wait until the spring for a complete collection, and I fully expect the BDs to not materialise.

That's probably it for me until The Tatami Galaxy on the 26th. Which, uh, is a holiday, as is the 27th, so... whatever.
K-On! is very much a "wait until cheap box set" tier show for me, and I don't care for Robotech (I have Macross already). Lots of light weeks lately.
