New Anime Releases 04/03/2013

Already got DBZ on region 1 dvd. Since I recently got the region A blu-ray collection of Shana Season 1, I'll be getting Season 2 on region A blu-ray at some point as well.
Want DBZ but after seeing the spines underneath the slip covers on the Funi sets, think I'm getting the US versions.

Sorry Manga not something I usually do but when a show is this good you kinda want the best product. Starting to see what you guys are talking about but I don't usually like a show this much.
"We want Dragonball! We want Dragonball! We want Dragonball!" the consumers yell "after a lot of effort, a lot of negotiations and a leak that almost spoiled the deal, finally we bring you Dragonball!" says Manga. "Nah, don't like the spine" says the consumer.

If it was because this is the infamous FUNimation "remaster", not the legendary Dragon Box version I could understand, but...
Shiroi Hane said:
"We want Dragonball! We want Dragonball! We want Dragonball!" the consumers yell "after a lot of effort, a lot of negotiations and a leak that almost spoiled the deal, finally we bring you Dragonball!" says Manga. "Nah, don't like the spine" says the consumer.

If it was because this is the infamous FUNimation "remaster", not the legendary Dragon Box version I could understand, but...

Haha, presume this a dig at me, we'll I am going to defend myself :p

I wasn't one of those asking for it, my bro had tried for years to get me to watch it but I wasn't really interested. Then years later Kix announce they are showing the Kai version (no filler), I thought ok let's give it a go, loved it and ordered Funi blu-rays of Kai (watching S3 part 2 now) then I decided I wanted to see more of the History so imported Dragon Ball, liking that too (Up to S3) so now wanna see the original, just to get some more DBZ.

Also It's more than just the spines, the sets are £19.92 (+ delivery) on UP1 and the uk versions are priced higher than that, in some cases they are £30.

In all honesty this is a massive rarity for me, I ALWAYS back the UK release but for this I just want all my sets to match and at a cheaper price. Tbh do feel a bit guilty for not backing the uk market for this but hey ho.

Oh and it's not the Dragon box it's the Orange bricks, the boxes each have when put together Dragon Ball Z written across them, it looks really cool :D
I think Shiroi Hane was commenting that it would be understandable if people's criticisms of the release was that MangaUK didn't go for the Dragon Boxes, then it would have been more justifiable.
Joshawott said:
I think Shiroi Hane was commenting that it would be understandable if people's criticisms of the release was that MangaUK didn't go for the Dragon Boxes, then it would have been more justifiable.

Oh I see lol!